Financial crisis : central banks rescue plans

September 20, 2008, 06:26 AM posted in General Discussion


发表日期 18/09/2008   

多国出手干预 应对全球金融危机

多国出手干预 应对全球金融危机





美国总统布什昨天誓言,他的政府会因应金融市场在愈演愈烈的全球金融危机中所面临的严峻挑战。布什取消了18日参加两个筹款活动的行程计划。他在华盛顿“和他的经济顾问一起应对金融市场面临的严峻挑战。布什总统仍将焦点集中在采取措施以稳定并强化美国的市场和恢复投资者信心上。” 布什总统昨天会见了包括美国财长保尔森和经济顾问委员会主席拉泽尔在内等副手。


关于雷曼兄弟控股公司(Lehman Brothers, LEH) 高盛集团(Goldman Sachs ) 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) 等重要财团的股票暴跌,纽约州司法部门决定对买空者在此中所起的影响展开调查。纽约州长认为,卖空者导致了此轮美国股市的下跌。周四他表示对卖空者展开司法调查。




英国金融服务监管局紧急颁布禁令,表示自9月18日周四午夜国际标准时间23点整起, 临时禁止投资者建立新的做空金融类股的头寸。








巨额注资也没能阻止股市崩溃,俄国被迫关闭所有的交易系统。此前,该国被迫关闭国内两家主要证交所,以阻止股市进一步下挫,俄罗斯股市已创下自1998年8 月金融危机以来的最大跌幅。俄财政部周四制定措施稳定国内市场,制定的措施包括清理银行债务、保障银行系统流动性、支持抵押贷款机构,以及暂停股市交易等。俄国总统梅德韦杰夫对于上述措施表示支持,他同时建议政府有关部门研究关于动用5千亿卢布确保国内证券市场稳定的方案。尽管西方的金融危机已经直接影响到了俄罗斯银行的资金来源,但俄总理普京一再表示,俄罗斯积累了充足的资金,"能够将国际金融市场动荡对俄罗斯产生的不良后果降至最小"。


多国出手干预 应对全球金融危机 出手 chūshǒu v.o. spend money
干预 gānyù v. intervene; interfere
危机 wēijī n. crisis 
欧洲中央银行法兰克福总部(2008/09/18)(路透社) 中央银行 Zhōngyāng Yínháng central bank
美国联邦储备委员会18日发表声明说,已与欧洲中央银行以及日本英国瑞士加拿大中央银行达成货币互换协议,将为它们提供高达1800亿美元资金,用于缓解金融市场流动资金短缺国际货币基金组织总干事斯特劳斯卡恩18日说,“我们正在经历一场前所未见金融危机”,因为它源自“金融体系的心脏部位”,即美国,而不是“边缘部位”,所以整个世界同时受到影响。 委员会 wěiyuánhuì committee
达成 dáchéng r.v. reach (an agreement
协议 xiéyì n. agreement
缓解 huǎnjiě v. alleviate; ease
短缺 duǎnquē n. shortage; deficit
总干事 zǒnggànshi n. secretary-general
前所未见 qiánsuǒwèijiàn f.e. never seen before
边缘 biānyuán n. edge; margin
美国:“稳定强化美国的市场和恢复投资者信心” 稳定 wěndìng v. stabilize
强化 qiánghuà v. strengthen
恢复 huīfù v. recover; regain
美国总统布什昨天誓言,他的政府因应金融市场在愈演愈烈的全球金融危机中所面临严峻挑战布什取消了18日参加两个筹款活动的行程计划。他在华盛顿“和他的经济顾问一起应对金融市场面临严峻挑战布什总统仍将焦点集中在采取措施稳定强化美国的市场和恢复投资者信心上。” 布什总统昨天会见了包括美国财长保尔森和经济顾问委员会主席拉泽尔在内等副手。 誓言 shìyán n. oath; pledge
因应 yīnyīng v. cope with
因应 yīnyìng v. adjust; react
面临 miànlín v. be faced with
严峻 yánjùn s.v. stern; severe; grim
挑战 tiǎozhàn n./v.o. challenge
取消 qǔxiāo v. cancel
筹款 chóukuǎn v.o. raise money
顾问 gùwèn n. adviser; consultant
包括 bāokuò v. include; consist of; comprise
关于雷曼兄弟控股公司(Lehman Brothers, LEH) 高盛集团(Goldman Sachs ) 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) 等重要财团股票暴跌纽约州司法部门决定对买空者在此中所起的影响展开调查。纽约州长认为,卖空者导致了此轮美国股市下跌。周四他表示卖空者展开司法调查 财团 cáituán n. financial group
暴跌 bàodiē v. fall steeply (in price)
卖空 màikōng v.o. sell short (of stocks/etc.)
下跌 xiàdiē v. fall; decline
司法调查 sīfǎ diàochá legal investigation
另据路透社17日援引消息人士的话称,华尔街第二大投行摩根士丹利正与美国第四大商业银行美联银行接洽,讨论合并可能性。美国财经电视台CNBC称,摩根士丹利正与中国中信银行进行收购谈判 投行 tóuhàng investment bank
商业银行 shāngyèyínháng commercial bank M:家
接洽 jiēqià v. arrange (a business/etc.) with
合并 hébìng merge(r)
财经 cái-jīng n. finance and economics
英国临时禁止投资者建立新的做空金融类股的头寸 临时 línshí attr. temporary; provisional
禁止 jìnzhǐ v. prohibit; ban
建立 jiànlì v. establish; set up
头寸 tóucùn n. ①money market/supply ②cash
英国金融服务监管局紧急颁布禁令表示自9月18日周四午夜国际标准时间23点整起, 临时禁止投资者建立新的做空金融类股的头寸 监管 jiānguǎn n. supervision
颁布 bānbù v. promulgate; issue
禁令 jìnlìng n. prohibition; ban
国际标准 guójì biāozhǔn n. international standard
英国金融服务管理局同时对莱斯银行收购哈里法克斯银行交易表示欢迎。 管理局 guǎnlǐjú administration
哈里法克斯 Hālǐfǎkèsī Halifax
交易 jiāoyì n./v. deal; trade
中国:要求“中央汇金公司”购入三大商业银行股票 购入 gòurù v. buy
挽救跌跌不休股市中国领导人再出新招,严令中国主权财富基金旗下子公司“中央汇金公司”即日起快速自主购入工商银行中国银行建设银行等三大商业银行股票 挽救 wǎnjiù v. save; remedy
不休 bùxiū v.p. endlessly
严令 yánlìng n. strict order
基金 jījīn n. fund
旗下 qíxià n. those under one's command
自主 zìzhǔ v. take the initiative
中国中央汇金公司18日消息,为确保国家对工商银行中行、建设三行等国有重点金融机构的控股地位支持国有重点金融机构稳健经营发展,稳定国有商业银行股价,中央汇金公司将在二级市场自主购入工、中、建三行股票,并从即日起开始有关市场操作 确保 quèbǎo v. ensure; guarantee
国有 guóyǒu attr. belonging to the state; nationalized; state-owned
地位 dìwèi n. position
支持 zhīchí n./v. support; back
稳健 wěnjiàn s.v. firm; steady
经营 jīngyíng v. manage; run; engage in
二级市场 èrjí shìchǎng n. parallel market
操作 cāozuò v. operate
俄罗斯关闭所有的交易系统 关闭 guānbì v. close
系统 xìtǒng n./adv. system
巨额注资也没能阻止股市崩溃俄国被迫关闭所有的交易系统。此前,该国被迫关闭国内两家主要证交所,以阻止股市进一步下挫俄罗斯股市创下自1998年8 月金融危机以来的最大跌幅。俄财政部周四制定措施稳定国内市场,制定措施包括清理银行债务保障银行系统流动性支持抵押贷款机构,以及暂停股市交易等。俄国总统梅德韦杰夫对于上述措施表示支持,他同时建议政府有关部门研究关于动用5千亿卢布确保国内证券市场稳定方案。尽管西方金融危机已经直接影响到了俄罗斯银行资金来源,但俄总理普京一再表示俄罗斯积累充足资金,"能够将国际金融市场动荡俄罗斯产生的不良后果降至最小"。 巨额 jù'é n. huge sum/amount
阻止 zǔzhǐ v. prevent; stop; prohibit
崩溃 bēngkuì v. collapse
被迫 bèipò v. be compelled/forced
下挫 xiàcuò v. fall; decline
创下 chuàngxià v. establish; set up; found
跌幅 diēfú n. size/amount of decrease
清理 qīnglǐ v. settle (accounts/etc.)
债务 zhàiwù n. debt; liabilities
保障 bǎozhàng v./n. ensure; guarantee
流动性 liúdòngxìng n. fluidity
机构 jīgòu n. mechanism
暂停 zàntíng v. suspend
上述 shàngshù attr. above-mentioned
千亿 qiānyì 100 billions
方案 fāng'àn n. scheme; plan
积累 jīlěi v. accumulate
充足 chōngzú s.v. adequate; sufficient
动荡 dòngdàng s.v. suffer unrest/upheaval
降至 jiàngzhì v.p. lower
巴西总统卢拉周四表示,那些喜欢对全球经济发号施令国际银行濒临倒闭边缘。他认为金融投机是引发贷款危机的主要根源 发号施令 fāhàoshīlìng f.e. issue orders
濒临 bīnlín v. be close to; be on verge of
倒闭 dǎobì v. go bankrupt
根源 gēnyuán n. origin; root
新闻 表示 biǎoshì v. show; express; indicate
电视台 diànshìtái TV station M:家
发表 fābiǎo v. publish; issue
焦点 jiāodiǎn n. focus; focal point
来源 láiyuán n. source; origin
声明 shēngmíng v./n. state; announce
消息 xiāoxi n. news; information
援引 yuányǐn v. cite examples
路透社 Lùtòushè n. Reuter's News Agency
地理 美国 Měiguó United States
英国 Yīngguó Britain; England
国际 guójì attr. international
世界 shìjiè world
欧洲 Ōuzhōu Europe
瑞士 Ruìshì Switzerland
俄国 Éguó Russia
俄罗斯 Éluósī Russia
西方 xīfāng ①the west ②the West
日本 Rìběn Japan
中国 Zhōngguó China
加拿大 Jiānádà Canada
巴西 Bāxī Brazil
法兰克福 Fǎlánkèfú Frankfurt
纽约州 Niǔyuēzhōu New York (state)
华盛顿 Huáshèngdùn Washington, D.C.
政治 政府 zhèngfǔ government
总统 zǒngtǒng n. president
财政部 Cáizhèngbù Ministry of Finance
主席 zhǔxí n. chair/president
总理 zǒnglǐ n. premier; prime minister
措施 cuòshī n. measure; step M:项
领导人 lǐngdǎorén n. leader
谈判 tánpàn v./n. negotiations; talks
制定 zhìdìng v. formulate; draft; institute; establish
政治家 布什 Bùshí Bush
卢拉 Lúlā Lula
梅德韦杰夫 Méidéwéijiéfū Medvedev
普京 Pǔjīng Putin
斯特劳斯卡恩 Sītèláosīkǎ'ēn Strauss Kahn
金融 财经 cái-jīng n. finance and economics
贷款 dàikuǎn n. loan; credit M:笔
抵押 dǐyā v. mortgage
二级市场 èrjí shìchǎng n. parallel market
货币 huòbì n. money; currency
互换 hùhuàn v. exchange
货币互换 huòbì hùhuàn currency exchange
金融市场 jīnróng shìchǎng n. money market
流动资金 liúdòng zījīn n. circulating/revolving fund
经济 jīngjì n. economy
金融 jīnróng n. finance; banking
卢布 lúbù n. ruble
美元 Měiyuán n. U.S. dollar
商业 shāngyè n. commerce; trade; business
收购 shōugòu v. purchase; buy
投机 tóujī v.o. speculate
投资者 tóuzīzhě n. investor
银行 yínháng n. bank M:家
债务 zhàiwù n. debt; liabilities
资金 zījīn n. fund; capital
总部 zǒngbù head office
金融机构 财团 cáituán n. financial group
商业银行 shāngyèyínháng commercial bank M:家
投行 tóuhàng investment bank
高盛集团 Gāochéng jítuán Goldman Sachs
国际货币基金 Guójì Huòbì Jījīn International Monetary Fund (IMF)
华尔街 Huá'ěr Jiē Wall Street
金融机构 jīnróng jīgòu n. financial institutions M:家
控股公司 kònggǔ gōngsī n. holding company
莱斯银行 Láisī Lloyds bank
雷曼兄弟 Léimàn xiōng-dì Lehman Brothers
联邦储备 Liánbāng Chǔbèi Federal Reserve
摩根士丹利 Mógēn Shìdānlì Morgan Stanley
工商银行 gōngshāng yínháng Industry and Commerce bank
中国银行 Zhōngguó yínháng Bank of China
中行 Zhōng Háng the People's Bank of China
建设银行 jiànshè yínháng People's Construction Bank of China
股市 股价 gǔjià n. stock price
股票 gǔpiào n. share certificate; stock M:份/张
股市 gǔshì n. stock market
交易所 jiāoyìsuǒ stock exchange M:家
卖空 màikōng v.o. sell short (of stocks/etc.)
证券市场 zhèngquàn shìchǎng stock market
证交所 zhèngjiāosuǒ abb. 证券交易所 a security exchange

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September 20, 2008, 03:07 AM

Lots of good vocab.  I wonder what other countries are saying about the U.S. financial system now?  美国的银行有怎么多的问题,我还是不懂为什么美国的政治家和中央银行怪卖空者。其实今天的货尔街日报说现在的卖空活动比前三个月的少。

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September 22, 2008, 01:33 AM

Hey what do you all think of this youtube channel for learning Chinese news like what we have in this group:

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September 20, 2008, 06:24 AM

Well, I can say that my tiny country, Singapore, is absolutely terrified now. When the crisis was building up, we were frightened enough to want to commit substantial national reserves to the possibility of buying stakes in some vulnerable institutions in the US financial system. To try and prop them up. No country the size of Singapore (population 4.5million) has any interest in "taking over the world". We couldn't do it, even if we wanted to.

Believe me, it was not a popular decision in my tiny country, where every lousy dollar in our "reserve" was hard-earned and most of us are only one generation away from a third-world situation. To many of us, it is a case of "throwing good money after bad".

But when our sovereign wealth funds (ie Temasek and GIC) made serious enquiries, the emotional backlash from Americans (especially Democrats) was very hostile, even shocking and xenophobic.

Their point of view was that we were trying to profit from some kind of "fire sale". Whereas, on the other hand, our own people were unhappy because it seemed like our hard-earned reserves were about to be thrown into some bottomless pit which had nothing to do with OUR spending habits or any lack of financial regulation or oversight on our part. 

So now hard-working Singaporeans are like a helpless passenger in a car whose brakes have failed. I don't know where we will all be in 6 months time. My so-called "family business" is a fairly international business, no close family members involved in day-to-day management since 1947 (!), but still, the business is shockingly vulnerable to stupid decisions and xenophobia in the country which leads the world in financial matters. It's all very frightening...

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September 20, 2008, 11:35 AM

I don't get the following headline - not even the broad meaning:


Immedeatly stop investors create new cash of (的头寸??) sort of empty financial stock?

Any ideas?

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September 20, 2008, 11:43 AM

Hi henning. I'm no native speaker (no way, and you know it!), but I think the headline refers to the recent news that some traders are no longer allowed to deal in futures (or take "positions") which bet on the market going down; for ordinary people like me, this is a sign of real trouble:

Sorry to sow panic, that's simply my understanding of the developing situation. 


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September 20, 2008, 12:06 PM

P/s:I am far from any of my usual dictionaries, but 金融类股 may possibly refer to gold bullion securities. Sorry to be so unhelpful!

Historically, being in a position of trying to restrict investors from trying to find shelter in gold bullion securities is not a happy situation...

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September 20, 2008, 12:40 PM

P/P/s: I've always believed that 做空 means "short selling"/ taking a "short" position. The headline makes even less sense to me now. I hope that somebody from CPOD, or changye perhaps, will step up to the plate and put us out of our misery! Thanks!

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September 20, 2008, 06:04 AM

tvan, this report is from 'other countries',  Radio France Int'l in this case :-)

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September 20, 2008, 03:09 PM

Eyux, thanks for the info.  Sounds like the Chinese don't know what to do either.

Auntie68, the above article generally uses 卖空 for short selling. 卖空者 would be a short seller.  However, I believe that you are right, 做空 means short seller here.  金融类股 here seems to mean financial institutions.

On the headline, "英国:临时禁止投资者建立新的做空金融类股的头寸", I would translate it literally as:  temporarily (临时) prohibit (禁止) investors (投资者) creating (建立) new short sale short sale (新的做空) financial institution (金融类股) cash/money supply (头寸).  My translation would be roughly, "Great Britain temporarily bans investors from short-selling financial institutions' stocks."  That also makes sense in the context of the article content and current financial news.

Like Henning, I'm a little bit stumped on the function of 头寸 in this context.  My dictionary lists the definition as "money supply" (i.e. in the monetary system-sense) or "cash".  However, the article seems to use it in the sense of a financial instrument.

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September 20, 2008, 03:18 PM

Dear tvan, thank GOODNESS 金融类股 doesn't mean "gold bullion securities"! If they were clamping down on those kinds of trades, we would be looking Armageddon in the face at this moment! Phew.

My understanding of 头寸 is what I got from that 百科 article mentioned in my earlier post. I still think it means "position", not an easy thing to describe in any language. Let's see what CPOD has to say...

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September 20, 2008, 03:22 PM

Auntie68, your definition of 头寸 makes perfect sense, since a short sale is a position.  Used in that sense, 做空 would mean create a short sale position in financial institutions, which is just another way of saying 賣空.

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September 21, 2008, 12:56 AM

Hi guys,

Wow, 金融词汇 is very difficult. I didn't know at all the words 头寸 and 做空. Hehe, such words never appear in Science news articles! In Japanese, 卖空 is "空売り (kara-uri)", so 做空 makes sense very well for me.

As for 金融类股, I think you guys are too serious. 金融类股 only means 金融类股票. There are also 工业类股,农业类股,通讯类股,不动产类股,食品类股,航空类股 and so on. So, I guess tvan's translation is right.

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September 21, 2008, 06:19 AM

sorry, can't help much there, I have trouble understanding most of these financial concepts anyway (damn lies and speculation to me) ...

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September 21, 2008, 08:02 AM

Thanks a lot guys. Seems harder than I initially thought...  :-o

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September 20, 2008, 01:07 PM

People's Daily (official CCP newspaper) comments on impending "Financial Tsunami".

As promised, Eyux won't say anything, I'm just a messenger:

Reuters reports an article in People's Daily, 17SEP2008:


"The world urgently needs to create a diversified currency and financial system and fair and just financial order that is not dependent on the United States."


"The Chinese government is well aware of the fact that the United States, which is the world's largest developed country, and China, which is the world's largest developing country, should have constructive and cooperative economic and trade relations"