Previous Counseling

April 15, 2010, 06:06 AM posted in General Discussion
Previous Counseling
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March 04, 2010, 11:59 AM


再次感谢你使用我们的Guided Service!


Week 1   
1.    Advanced - 简体字与繁体字

2.    Review
3.    Upper Intermediate - New Year's Resolutions

4.    Upper Intermediate - New Year's Cash 

5 .    Upper Intermediate - We're going to miss the plane!

Week 2   
1.    Advanced - 多音字

2.    Review
3.    Upper Intermediate - Playing the Stock Market

4.    Upper Intermediate - Interview with the Boss

5.    Upper Intermediate - Presentation on Trends

Week 3   
1.    Advanced - 在中国上大学

2.    Review
3.    Upper Intermediate - Applying For a Visa

4.    Upper Intermediate - Bargaining

5.    Upper Intermediate - Shanghai Expo

Week 4   
1.    Advanced - 话中带刺

2.    Review
3.    Upper Intermediate - TV Commercials

4.    Upper Intermediate - Exchange Rates

5.    Upper Intermediate - Drinking Ability