User Comments - rastafeyd01
Posted on: Public Speaking Tips
October 10, 2008, 06:48 AMFrom my own experience I would say that reading from a script, with head down, while giving a presentation is anything but just Chinese. I recall more than once having a presentation given in this style by individuals educated in the west. At the time I remember a professor referring to it as "old school" style.
Posted on: Considering a Credit Card
September 12, 2008, 04:01 PM很有用的课程。 谢谢中文POD.
Posted on: Shikumen vs. Hutongs and Chinese vs. Western School
October 18, 2008, 04:13 AMI've come across references, usually while reading articles on the American education system, that the Chinese government is attempting to include more independent thinking and problem-solving into the Chinese educational curriculumn. To what extent is this really being done? Are there any teachers out there that have noticed differences between the older students and the new students who, theoretically were introduced to the educational reforms at an earlier age?