User Comments - user346951

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Posted on: 情绪智商
October 26, 2008, 01:56 AM

Some extra vocabulary

突冲 (chong1tu1) Conflict, clash

体谅 (ti3liang4) Empathize

辅导 (fu3dao3) Coach or tutor


Posted on: 起名要小心
October 04, 2008, 01:53 PM

For anyone interested in learning whether they are being cursed in Chinese:

(I personally don't see the need for profanity)

Posted on: F1 in China
September 25, 2008, 03:08 AM

Hello Tvan,

Yes, even if one looks past the transliterated words (why am I being taught English in another language?) there always is something of interest.

With China in the news almost daily, how can we lack of subjects.  Here's one lesson:  Infant formula, breastfeeding, melamine, spiking, nitrogen, kidney stones, renal failure.

Here's another:  Class A versus B stocks, government intervention, short selling, meltdown, etc.

Some current event lessons will allow us to understand the Chinese perspective.


Posted on: F1 in China
September 23, 2008, 07:00 PM

Gee, since we are now considering pet subjects and favorite obscure topics, can I suggest one?  I love World War II airplanes of the Pacific theater.  How about a lesson with the following vocabulary:  airbrakes, methanol injection engines, armor piercing rounds, tracers, pipper and laminar flow airfoil.

Sorry to disagree with the enthusiastic reviews above.  I much prefer the lessons which are more practical.

Posted on: 妈妈在哪里?
September 13, 2008, 10:56 PM

Some ancillary vocabulary from the banter:

尖酸刻薄-bad trait meaning cheap
奢侈 - extravagant wasteful
不务正业-not working, shiftless
瘫坐-collapse in a chair due to illness
瘫痪-prostrate with illness

Posted on: Considering a Credit Card
September 13, 2008, 03:22 AM


Credit cards can be a saavy way of spending money.  Think of it as a 30 day loan.  Used on a continuous basis, you get the use of someone else's money without interest!  The credit card industry is making their money on the majority of people who don't pay off the balance monthly.  The minority are laughing all the way to the bank.

Posted on: SBTG: Health Class
July 20, 2008, 04:03 PM

Two comments about this lesson.  I am a pathologist and perform autopies.  Performing autopsies or dissections is not cruel as discussed in this lesson.  The only evil in this world is ignorance, whether it be ignorance about the functioning of the body or how a loved one died.  (How the Egyptian embalmed the dead for eons and did not contribute to the understanding of physiology is a testimate to human seeing without curiosity.)

Second, the color change in blood in oxygen is due to the shape change in the hemoglobin four complex molecule with the progressive binding of oxygen to each of the heme rings.

Posted on: A Visit by the Police
July 20, 2008, 02:51 PM

Mark and Auntie68,

I agree with you about the advert's in the lessons, especially the end of the CD quality lesson.  But there is a solution to this (and the annoying John's 'Ahh,' 'Uhuh," and other meaningless banter . . . ., edit out the useless stuff.  Now if they could turn down the background music . . . .

Posted on: 磁悬浮
July 09, 2008, 11:49 PM

There are improvements possible and I've privately emailed Cpod about this in the past regarding the Upper Intermediate level - John speaks too much Chinese.  I think unless someone can speak unaccented Mandarin, there is no reason at all we should be paying to listen to mispronounciations.  John does have useful insights, but those lie entirely in the English comparison realm.

I often shuffle through several lessons at a time.  Using Audacity, I usually truncate the beginning to know the subject immediately and the commercials.  If it were possible, I'd also cut the background mood music.  (At this level, my plea is to lower the level of the mood music more, please.)

Posted on: 旧金山
June 29, 2008, 01:12 PM

Personally interesting lesson, (of limited practical use).  As an aside, in the lesson, they mention  Lombard street as "車子都爬不上去。"

It is one way down!  One would get a ticket trying to drive up the street.