User Comments - 藍狗

Posted on: Out of Context
March 30, 2017, 07:40 PMTo my understanding the latter happens when the former breaks down. Proponents of opposing arguments perceive no compromise to be achieved or desired, Debate turns to competitive,contentious and controversial dispute. For example the golden age of Chinese philosophy(700-200BC)) was characterised by many schools 家 of political and social philosophy each contending for superiority 百家爭鳴. Confucianism eventually becoming the dominant voice, and subsequently adopted by the ruling class.
Debate within these schools could be described as 辯論, whereas debate between different schools of thought would be best described as 争论。 Personally, I'm a fan of 老子 and 庄子, both proponents of 道家(Daoist school of philosophy). For my Western mind, Confucianism is personally intrusive and misogynistic.
百花齐放,百家争鸣。 Policy introduced by Chairman Mao in the late 1950's to encourage people to come forward with their views. Many were subsequently gaoled or executed for their views.
The former includes the character 辯: To argue in defence of, or in favour of. 辯護:To speak in defense of, to argue in favour of. 被告人有權獲得辯護 The accused has the right to legal defence.
討論 To discuss
Posted on: Out of Context
March 30, 2017, 12:51 AM耍歪道?
Posted on: Which Sports Do You Like?
March 24, 2017, 10:34 AMThe former is correct. Yes, 大多 can be used for both examples, and in fact is better than 大多數。 A numerical figure isn't really used to discuss what types of ingredients or flavours you don't like. 我拒絕吃狗肉,動物的器官我也不習慣吃, 所以不喜歡。 But apart from specific ingredients used, generally people will use flavour or region to express what they like or don't like to eat. 川菜:Sichuanese cuisine、粤菜: Guangdong cuisine.
Here is an interesting assessment of what Chinese people like to eat that was expressed by someone very close to me in China: 你問我中國人有啥特征呢? 好,中國人會吃苦。
素菜:vegetarian cuisine
Posted on: Rude Waitress Part 1/2
March 24, 2017, 04:10 AMGabriel. You don't need to worry, the Chinese are in fact capable of being just as angry, vindictive, rude, obnoxious, selfish, debased, violent or any other human trait as with the rest of humanity.
I would love to give you examples of some of the colourful language that gets bandied about by angry customers, employees, patriots or anybody who just feels like letting off a bit of steam, but I don't think the authoritahs here would appreciate it.
Posted on: Chinese Medicine
March 24, 2017, 03:29 AM網絡: Internet(Mainland China)
網路: Internet(Taiwan)
The term 互聯網 is hardly used these days.
Posted on: 冥想 Meditation
March 23, 2017, 04:49 PM打坐: to sit and meditate。
Posted on: Rude Waitress Part 1/2
March 23, 2017, 04:44 PM算了,could easily be translated as 'f**k it'. 算了,我們吃麥當勞吧! F**k it, we'll eat Maccas.
慢走 is actually a polite way to thank customers and wish them well as they leave after paying the bill. I've never heard 慢走 being used in a derogatory context at all, but I have been told indirectly by some young pissant 愤青 to 快走。
Posted on: Which Sports Do You Like?
March 23, 2017, 04:13 PMThere are a couple of ways you could reply. I'm not going to provide pinyin because I think its a waste of time when everyone here should be using Perapera dictionary add on with their browser. Anyway,here are a two examples.
(是,其實)我最喜歡(吃)中國菜。 我特別喜歡中國菜
特別:particularly 最:most 其实:in fact
中國菜很多,大多數我都喜歡。 After replying with this sentence you'll more than likely get a question asking which dishes or you like or don't like.
酸甜苦辣:the joys and sorrows of life。 酸: sour 甜: sweet 苦:bitter 辣:spicy 鹹:salty
Posted on: How to Use 了: Action Complete
February 09, 2017, 07:09 AMExcellent!
Posted on: Out of Context
February 17, 2018, 05:12 AMCCTV轉播 過年慶祝演唱會裡有位中國演員扮黑臉。以前在西方國家幽默電視節目中也會有白人打扮所谓 ‘黄陂小子’ 嘲笑亚洲人,也为了嘲笑黑人而打扮 ‘黑脸‘。目前多半西方人看待那种表演为民族歧视的行为与思想,算是看不起亚洲人。那我想问一个问题,为什么中国中央电视官员觉得让中国演员扮演 ‘黑脸‘ 好笑?难道也不是种族歧呢?