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rèn hé
  1. 1 any
  2. 2 whatever
  3. 3 whichever
  4. 4 whatsoever
无论何人 | 無論何人
wú lùn hé rén
  1. 1 whoever
任人唯亲 | 任人唯親
rèn rén wéi qīn
  1. 1 to appoint people by favoritism (idiom); nepotism
  2. 2 corrupt appointment
任人唯贤 | 任人唯賢
rèn rén wéi xián
  1. 1 to appoint people according to their merits (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity
何许人 | 何許人
hé xǔ rén
  1. 1 (literary) what kind of person
责任人 | 責任人
zé rèn rén
  1. 1 responsible person
  2. 2 coordinator
非异人任 | 非異人任
fēi yì rén rèn
  1. 1 to bear one's own responsibilities and not pass them to others (idiom)
zhī rén shàn rèn
  1. 1 expert at appointing people according to their abilities (idiom)
  2. 2 to put the right people in the right places
rèn rén zǎi gē
  1. 1 to get trampled on (idiom)
  2. 2 to be taken advantage of
hé rén
  1. 1 who
有宝何必人前夸 | 有寶何必人前誇
yǒu bǎo hé bì rén qián kuā
  1. 1 There is no need to boast about one's treasures. (idiom)
人生何处不相逢 | 人生何處不相逢
rén shēng hé chù bù xiāng féng
  1. 1 it's a small world (idiom)
rèn rén
  1. 1 to appoint (sb to a post)
何去何从 | 何去何從
hé qù hé cóng
  1. 1 what course to follow
  2. 2 what path to take
何鲁晓夫 | 何魯曉夫
Hé lǔ xiǎo fū
  1. 1 Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secretary-general of Soviet communist party 1953-1964
  2. 2 also written 赫魯曉夫|赫鲁晓夫
何应钦 | 何應欽
Hé Yìng qīn
  1. 1 He Yingqin (1890-1987), senior Guomindang general
无论何处 | 無論何處
wú lùn hé chù
  1. 1 anywhere
  2. 2 wherever
平面几何 | 平面幾何
píng miàn jǐ hé
  1. 1 plane geometry
微分几何学 | 微分幾何學
wēi fēn jǐ hé xué
  1. 1 differential geometry