Learn Arabic the ChinesePod Way!
June 20, 2012, 10:29 AM posted in General DiscussionFor the past a few months, I've been busy helping launch Arabic Anywhere on ChinesePod's sister site OpenLanguage. I've had such a great time working with the wonderful team in Amman, Jordan. Intrigued and interested? Read my blog post.
June 20, 2012, 11:14 AM很有意思 شكر Jenny。
hey, an Aussie Ramzi Nabulsi is a host of the show!
Isn't he great?!
Yeah, Alaykum !
Actually, I was getting a little excited with the Arabic so on reflection I'm not sure if my joke was as obvious as I thought it was. I was trying to say, " Yeah, I like 'im" in an Arabian accent with one of my new words "alaykum"..."upon you". Ok, lame I know, but I enjoyed it, hehe.
June 20, 2012, 11:15 AMI know that Frenchpod and Spanishpod are supposed to become assets of OpenLanguage. The press release on the Spanishpod website implied that there would be no connection between OpenLanguage and ChinesePod. But here, you're referring to OpenLanguage as a sister site. What's the relationship between Frenchpod and Spanishpod then to Chinesepod?
And for that matter, what's the relationship between Chinesepod and Arabic Anywhere? Will all 5 sites (including Italianpod) be available under a "Praxis pass" type of arrangement? Will 1 login work across all 5 sites?
Great questions Pretz. I also particulary want to know if there will be a Praxis Pass equivalent. I'll be over the moon if there will be a similar arrangement to currently with the ability to get CPod and the other languages under one subscription.
OpenLanguage is a sister site of ChinesePod because Hank and I co-founded OpenLanguage and purchased back all the RomancePods rights. Currently, we don't have an equivalent to Praxis Pass. We'll listen to the market.
Then does BigFoot Ventures still own Chinesepod? Not that there were that many video lessons coming down the pipe, but does this mean that Bigfoot owns all 5 language ventures or do you and Hank own them? Will the video lessons continue only for Cpod, or be broadened across Arabic Anywhere, Spanishpod or the others? Is video being discontinued?
June 20, 2012, 11:21 AMWhile I'm excited about what OpenLanguage may bring to learning these other languages, my most pressing concern is about the migration process. I'm hoping that I can be reassured that all the old Praxis lessons esp French and Spanish will not be lost including all the comments/discussions and non lesson discussion threads. I was in the process of working through all the FrenchPod lessons and the discussions were great there, esp Amaury's tireless and patient corrections and input there. The SpanishPod had an even more active community. Please reassure me...I'm gonna lose sleep over this.
mate, you're a linguistic over-achiever ;-) I struggle just learning mandarin as one extra language - you're gunning for quite a few there!
haha, very kind of you chris, if only it were true. Plenty of interest, very little success. In fact, mathematically speaking, I'd say there's an inverse correlation between the two, hehe. But, boring to repeat it, but it's all about enjoying the journey, and this Arabic sounds fascinating to me. What has particularly helped is that I'm really impressed with the culture show there. A great host I can recommend is worth listening to. This leads in to sparking an interest in the language...so I think they've got it so right there...the culture show is free and there at the start..so it's like the bait that gets you hooked, hehe. Yeah, if only there were time to really sink teeth into all these interests, hehe. I feel like an unsuccessful juggler who'd like to have several balls in the air, but really only manages to catch one at a time while the rest fall back to the ground, hehe. [or a kid in a candy shop trying to shove more than one gobstopper in [with Chinese in there first ..a massive 8cm gobstopper, french is probably a 2cm one, what's arabic going to be....?5cm] and then trying to speak a foreign language...hehe, not too successful as you can imagine] Anyhow, as always, thanks for your encouragement, nide zhichi [heck, you see, is that the right pinyin?]
This Arabic development seems to be just in time for you! I could see you needed more than Chinese, French and Spanish. .. :)
All the best with your studies, I'm sure you will put that famous energy into the Arabic, just like the others.
I envy you really, I am very attracted to Arabic because of the script, the history, the culture - all of that. I had an Arabic speaking friend when I did a semester of French - he got me interested. I will check it out sometime even though I barely manage to meet my modest goals with Chinese.
What's Arabic for 加油! ??
haha, come on guys...it's all very nice of you...but Im glad I haven't signed any contract or anything, hehe. Yeah, I'm very interested, but whether I'll find the time to keep it up is a whole other question. You seem to be giving me way to much credit just based in the fact that I'm interested. But yeah, the timing is impeccable, I'll grant that, because though I knew openlanguage was coming [for the romance languages] I didn't realise Arabic was on the menu, and it just so happened I learnt the Arabic alphabet on the weekend, and sorted out the typing etc. Mate, if you are attracted because of the script then you should check it out...after Chinese characters, Arabic script is a breeze....Chinese character learning takes like forever, and Arabic characters takes like 10 minutes. ...it's phonetic based, like our alphabet, and one of the interesting things is that the letters can change their appearance somewhat based on where they are placed in a word. There's some pretty out there sounds in some of the letters...sounds that aren't heard in English...I already have my favourite, hehe. If you want any pointers on how to get started there just give me a shout mate. I really recommend you at least listen to this fellow Aussie who hosts the culture show. What can 15 minutes hurt?
Yes, when I get time I will check it out. I am attempting to learn a bit of Norwegian at present - again it is the listening that that is the most challenging. How does that collection of letters and words come out sounding like that ??
And I see all the problems I had with learning Chinese .. I learn a few words, try them out and of course I am met with a torrent of Norwegian. Whooa, there. At least here there is no problem switching to English.
Fun, isn't it?
yeah, fun all right. whooa alright, hehe. btw, the only thing with Arabic script is it's making me feel old [blind]....I need to enlarge my screen to see it clearly, hehe. hey yeah, while you're there, Norwegian would be fun. Gotta have a crack at whatever is the local language.
oh, I nearly forgot this:
"What's Arabic for 加油! ?? "
...no idea mate, but I'll try and find out. And I love it that you're going to a 3rd language to ask for a translation of your 2nd language.
June 21, 2012, 07:30 AMHey, congratulations on the launch Jenny and Hank. I remember talking with you about this at the Cpod meet-up a few months ago. Great to have it off the ground now! I'll have to take a look.
June 20, 2012, 10:35 AMSounds interesting, I'll check it out!