List of currencies
May 15, 2008, 08:23 PM posted in General Discussion"ALL">阿尔巴尼亚,列克 (ALL)
"DZD">阿尔及利亚,第纳尔 (DZD)
"USD">美国,美元 (USD)
"USD">美洲萨摩亚,美元 (USD)
"EUR">安道尔,欧元 (EUR)
"AOA">安哥拉,宽札 (AOA)
"XCD">安圭拉岛,东加勒比元 (XCD)
"XCD">安提瓜和巴布达,东加勒比元 (XCD)
"ARS">阿根廷,比索 (ARS)
"AMD">亚美尼亚,德拉姆 (AMD)
"AWG">阿鲁巴岛,盾 (AWG)
"AUD">阿什莫和卡铁尔群岛,澳元 (AUD)
"AUD">澳大利亚,澳元 (AUD)
"EUR">奥地利,欧元 (EUR)
"ATS">奥地利,先令[废弃] (ATS)
"AZM">阿塞拜疆,马纳特 (AZM)
"EUR">亚述尔群岛,欧元 (EUR)
"BSD">巴哈马,元 (BSD)
"BHD">巴林,第纳尔 (BHD)
"BBD">巴巴多斯,元 (BBD)
"EUR">巴利阿里群岛,欧元 (EUR)
"BDT">孟加拉国,塔卡 (BDT)
"BBD">巴巴多斯,元 (BBD)
"BYR">白俄罗斯,卢布 (BYR)
"EUR">比利时,欧元 (EUR)
"BEF">比利时,法郎[废弃] (BEF)
"BZD">伯利兹,元 (BZD)
"XOF">贝宁,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"BMD">百慕大,元 (BMD)
"INR">不丹,印度卢比 (INR)
"BTN">不丹,努扎姆 (BTN)
"BOB">玻利维亚,玻利维亚诺 (BOB)
"ANG">博内尔岛,荷兰安第列斯群岛盾 (ANG)
"BAM">波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,可兑换马克 (BAM)
"BWP">博茨瓦纳,普拉 (BWP)
"BRL">巴西,雷亚尔 (BRL)
"GBP">英国,英镑 (GBP)
"GBP">英属印度洋领地,英国英镑 (GBP)
"USD">英属印度洋领地,美元 (USD)
"USD">英属维尔京群岛,美元 (USD)
"BND">文莱,元 (BND)
"SGD">文莱,新加坡元 (SGD)
"BGN">保加利亚,列弗 (BGN)
"XOF">布基纳法索,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"MMK">缅甸 ,元 (MMK)
"BIF">布隆迪,法郎 (BIF)
"KHR">柬埔寨,瑞尔 (KHR)
"XAF">喀麦隆,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BEAC) (XAF)
"CAD">加拿大,加元 (CAD)
"EUR">加纳利群岛,欧元 (EUR)
"CVE">佛得角,埃斯库多 (CVE)
"KYD">开曼群岛,元 (KYD)
"XAF">中非共和国,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BEAC) (XAF)
"XAF">CFA(非洲金融共同体)法郎 (BEAC) (XAF)
"XOF">CFA(非洲金融共同体)法郎 (BCEAO) (XAF)
"XAF">乍得,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BEAC) (XAF)
"CLP">智利,比索 (CLP)
"CNY">中国,人民币 (CNY)
"AUD">圣诞岛,澳元 (AUD)
"AUD">科科斯(基灵)群岛,澳元 (AUD)
"COP">哥伦比亚,比索 (COP)
"XAF">非洲金融共同体法郎 (BEAC) (XAF)
"XOF">非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"KMF">科摩罗,法郎 (KMF)
"XPF">太平洋法兰西共同体法郎 (XPF)
"XAF">刚果/布拉柴维尔,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BEAC) (XAF)
"CDF">刚果/金沙萨,法郎 (CDF)
"NZD">库克群岛,新西兰元 (NZD)
"AUD">珊瑚海群岛,澳元 (AUD)
"CRC">哥斯达黎加,科朗 (CRC)
"XOF">科特迪瓦,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"HRK">克罗地亚,库纳 (HRK)
"CUC">古巴,可兑换比索 (CUC)
"CUP">古巴,比索 (CUP)
"ANG">Curaço,荷兰安第列斯群岛盾 (ANG)
"CYP">塞浦路斯,镑 (CYP)
"CZK">捷克共和国,克朗 (CZK)
"DKK">丹麦,克朗 (DKK)
"DJF">吉布提,法郎 (DJF)
"XCD">多米尼加,东加勒比元 (XCD)
"DOP">多米尼加共和国,比索 (DOP)
"EUR">荷兰,欧元 (EUR)
"NLG">荷兰,盾[废弃] (NLG)
"XCD">东加勒比元 (XCD)
"USD">东帝汶,美元 (USD)
"USD">厄瓜多尔,美元 (USD)
"EGP">埃及,镑 (EGP)
"SVC">萨尔瓦多,科朗 (SVC)
"GBP">英格兰(英国),英镑 (GBP)
"XAF">赤道几内亚,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BEAC) (XAF)
"ERN">厄立特里亚,纳克法 (ERN)
"EEK">爱沙尼亚,克鲁恩 (EEK)
"ETB">埃塞俄比亚,比尔 (ETB)
"EUR">欧元 (EUR)
"EUR">欧罗巴群岛,欧元 (EUR)
"FKP">福克兰群岛,镑 (FKP)
"DKK">法罗群岛,丹麦克朗 (DKK)
"FJD">斐济,元 (FJD)
"EUR">芬兰,欧元 (EUR)
"FIM">芬兰,马克[废弃] (FIM)
"EUR">法国,欧元 (EUR)
"FRF">法国,法郎[废弃] (FRF)
"EUR">法属圭亚那,欧元 (EUR)
"XPF">法属波利尼西亚,太平洋法兰西共同体法郎 (XPF)
"EUR">法属波利尼西亚,欧元 (EUR)
"EUR">法国南部和南极洲附近群岛,欧元 (EUR)
"XAF">加蓬,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BEAC) (XAF)
"GMD">冈比亚,达拉西 (GMD)
"ILS">加沙地带,以色列新谢克尔 (ILS)
"GEL">格鲁吉亚,拉里 (GEL)
"DEM">德国,德国马克[废弃] (DEM)
"EUR">德国,欧元 (EUR)
"GHC">加纳,塞地 (GHC)
"GIP">直布罗陀,镑 (GIP)
"XAU">黄金(盎司) (XAU)
"GBP">大不列颠(英国),英镑 (GBP)
"EUR">希腊,欧元 (EUR)
"GRD">希腊,币[废弃] (GRD)
"DKK">格陵兰,丹麦克朗 (DKK)
"XCD">格林纳达,东加勒比元 (XCD)
"EUR">瓜德罗普岛,欧元 (EUR)
"USD">关岛,美元 (USD)
"GTQ">危地马拉,格查尔 (GTQ)
"GGP">根西岛,镑 (GGP)
"GNF">基尼,法郎 (GNF)
"XOF">几内亚比绍共和国,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"GYD">圭亚那,元 (GYD)
"HTG">海地,古德 (HTG)
"EUR">荷兰,欧元 (EUR)
"NLG">荷兰,盾[废弃] (NLG)
"EUR">圣座(梵蒂冈),欧元 (EUR)
"VAL">圣座(梵蒂冈),里拉[废弃] (VAL)
"HNL">洪都拉斯,伦皮拉 (HNL)
"HKD">香港,港元 (HKD)
"HUF">匈牙利,福林 (HUF)
"ISK">冰岛,克朗 (ISK)
"INR">印度,卢比 (INR)
"IDR">印度尼西亚,盾 (IDR)
"XDR">国际货币基金组织特别提款权 (XDR)
"IRR">伊朗,里亚尔 (IRR)
"IQD">伊拉克,第纳尔 (IQD)
"EUR">爱尔兰,欧元 (EUR)
"IEP">爱尔兰,镑[废弃] (IEP)
"FKP">马尔维纳斯群岛(福克兰群岛),镑 (FKP)
"IMP">曼岛,镑 (IMP)
"ILS">以色列,新谢克尔 (ILS)
"EUR">意大利,欧元 (EUR)
"ITL">意大利,里拉[废弃] (ITL)
"XOF">象牙海岸共和国,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"JMD">牙买加,元 (JMD)
"JPY">日本,日元 (JPY)
"JEP">泽西岛,镑 (JEP)
"USD">约翰逊群岛,美元 (USD)
"JOD">约旦,第纳尔 (JOD)
"EUR">新胡安岛,欧元 (EUR)
"KZT">哈萨克斯坦,坚戈 (KZT)
"KES">肯尼亚,先令 (KES)
"AUD">基里巴斯,澳元 (AUD)
"KWD">科威特,第纳尔 (KWD)
"KGS">吉尔吉斯斯坦,索姆 (KGS)
"LAK">老挝,基普 (LAK)
"LVL">拉脱维亚,拉兹 (LVL)
"LBP">黎巴嫩,镑 (LBP)
"LSL">莱索托,洛蒂 (LSL)
"LRD">利比里亚,元 (LRD)
"LYD">利比亚,第纳尔 (LYD)
"CHF">列支敦士登,瑞士法郎 (CHF)
"LTL">立陶宛,利塔斯 (LTL)
"EUR">卢森堡,欧元 (EUR)
"LUF">卢森堡,法郎[废弃] (LUF)
"MOP">澳门,澳门元 (MOP)
"MKD">马其顿,代纳尔 (MKD)
"MGA">马达加斯加,阿里亚 (MGA)
"MGF">马达加斯加,法郎[废弃] (MGF)
"EUR">马德拉群岛,欧元 (EUR)
"MWK">马拉维,克瓦查 (MWK)
"MYR">马来西亚,林吉特 (MYR)
"MVR">马尔代夫,拉菲亚 (MVR)
"XOF">马里,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"MTL">马耳他,里拉 (MTL)
"FKP">马尔维纳斯(福克兰群岛),镑 (FKP)
"USD">马绍尔群岛,美元 (USD)
"EUR">马提尼克岛,欧元 (EUR)
"MRO">毛里塔尼亚,乌吉亚 (MRO)
"MUR">毛里求斯,卢比 (MUR)
"EUR">马约特岛,欧元 (EUR)
"MXN">墨西哥,比索 (MXN)
"USD">密克罗尼西亚,美元 (USD)
"USD">中途岛,美元 (USD)
"MDL">摩尔多瓦,列伊 (MDL)
"EUR">摩纳哥,欧元 (EUR)
"MNT">蒙古,图格里克 (MNT)
"EUR">门的内哥罗,欧元 (EUR)
"XCD">蒙特塞拉特岛,东加勒比元 (XCD)
"MAD">摩洛哥,迪拉姆 (MAD)
"MZM">莫桑比克,梅蒂卡尔 (MZM)
"MMK">缅甸 ,元 (MMK)
"NAD">纳米比亚,元 (NAD)
"AUD">瑙鲁,澳元 (AUD)
"HTG">纳弗沙岛,海地古德 (HTG)
"USD">纳弗沙岛,美元 (USD)
"CNY">尼泊尔,中国人民币 (CNY)
"NPR">尼泊尔,卢比 (NPR)
"ANG">荷兰安第列斯群岛,盾 (ANG)
"EUR">荷兰,欧元 (EUR)
"NLG">荷兰,盾[废弃] (NLG)
"XPF">新喀里多尼亚,太平洋法兰西共同体法郎 (XPF)
"NZD">新西兰,元 (NZD)
"NIO">尼加拉瓜,科多巴 (NIO)
"XOF">尼日利亚,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"NGN">尼日利亚,奈拉 (NGN)
"NZD">纽埃岛,新西兰元 (NZD)
"AUD">诺福克岛,澳元 (AUD)
"KPW">北朝鲜,圆 (KPW)
"USD">北马里亚纳群岛,美元 (USD)
"NOK">挪威,克朗 (NOK)
"OMR">阿曼,里亚尔 (OMR)
"PKR">巴基斯坦,卢比 (PKR)
"USD">帕劳群岛,美元 (USD)
"XPD">白金(盎司) (XPD)
"PAB">巴拿马,巴波亚 (PAB)
"USD">巴拿马,美元 (USD)
"PGK">巴布亚新几内亚,基那 (PGK)
"CNY">西沙群岛,中国人民币 (CNY)
"VND">西沙群岛,越南盾 (VND)
"PYG">巴拉圭,瓜拉尼 (PYG)
"PEN">秘鲁,新索尔 (PEN)
"PHP">菲律宾,比索 (PHP)
"NZD">皮特克恩,新西兰元 (NZD)
"XPT">白金(盎司) (XPT)
"PLN">波兰,兹罗提 (PLN)
"EUR">葡萄牙,欧元 (EUR)
"PTE">葡萄牙,埃斯库多[废弃] (PTE)
"USD">波多黎各,美元 (USD)
"QAR">卡塔尔,里亚尔 (QAR)
"EUR">留尼汪,欧元 (EUR)
"ROL">罗马尼亚,列伊 (ROL)
"RUB">俄罗斯,卢布 (RUB)
"RWF">卢旺达,法郎 (RWF)
"ANG">萨巴,荷兰安第列斯群岛盾 (ANG)
"SHP">圣赫勒拿,镑 (SHP)
"XCD">圣基茨和尼维斯,东加勒比元 (XCD)
"XCD">圣卢西亚岛,东加勒比元 (XCD)
"EUR">圣皮埃尔岛及密克隆岛,欧元 (EUR)
"XCD">圣文森特和格林纳丁斯,东加勒比元 (XCD)
"EUR">圣马丁岛,欧元 (EUR)
"WST">萨摩亚,塔拉 (WST)
"EUR">圣马力诺,欧元 (EUR)
"STD">圣多美和普林西比,多布拉 (STD)
"SAR">沙特阿拉伯,里亚尔 (SAR)
"GBP">苏格兰(英国),英镑 (GBP)
"SPL">塞波加,鲁基尼 (SPL)
"XOF">塞内加尔,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"CSD">塞尔维亚,第纳尔 (CSD)
"SCR">塞舌尔群岛,卢比 (SCR)
"SLL">塞拉利昂,利昂 (SLL)
"XAG">白银(盎司) (XAG)
"SGD">新加坡,元 (SGD)
"ANG">圣尤斯特歇斯,荷兰安第列斯群岛盾 (ANG)
"ANG">圣马丁,荷兰安第列斯群岛盾 (ANG)
"SKK">斯洛伐克,克朗 (SKK)
"SIT">斯洛文尼亚,托拉尔 (SIT)
"SBD">所罗门群岛,元 (SBD)
"SOS">索马里,先令 (SOS)
"ZAR">南非,兰特 (ZAR)
"GBP">南乔治亚岛,英镑 (GBP)
"KRW">南韩,圆 (KRW)
"GBP">南桑德韦奇群岛,英镑 (GBP)
"EUR">西班牙,欧元 (EUR)
"ESP">西班牙,比塞塔[废弃] (ESP)
"LKR">斯里兰卡,卢比 (LKR)
"SDD">苏丹,第纳尔 (SDD)
"SRD">苏里南,元 (SRD)
"SRG">苏里南,盾 (SRG) [废弃]
"NOK">斯瓦尔巴岛和扬马延岛,挪威克朗 (NOK)
"SZL">斯威士兰,里兰吉尼 (SZL)
"ZAR">斯威士兰,南非兰特 (ZAR)
"SEK">瑞典,克朗 (SEK)
"CHF">瑞士,法郎 (CHF)
"SYP">叙利亚,镑 (SYP)
"TWD">台湾,新台币 (TWD)
"TJS">塔吉克斯坦,索莫尼 (TJS)
"RUB">塔吉克斯坦,俄罗斯卢布 (RUB)
"TZS">坦桑尼亚,先令 (TZS)
"THB">泰国,铢 (THB)
"XOF">多哥,非洲金融共同体法郎 (BCEAO) (XOF)
"NZD">托克劳,新西兰元 (NZD)
"TOP">汤加,潘加 (TOP)
"MDL">特朗斯尼斯蒂尔,摩尔多瓦列伊 (MDL)
"TTD">特立尼达和多巴哥,元 (TTD)
"TND">突尼斯,第纳尔 (TND)
"TRY">土耳其,新里拉 (TRY)
"TRL">土耳其,里拉 (TRL) [将被取代]
"TMM">土库曼斯坦,马纳特 (TMM)
"USD">特克斯和凯科斯群岛,美元 (USD)
"AUD">图瓦卢,澳元 (AUD)
"TVD">图瓦卢,元 (TVD)
"UGX">乌干达,先令 (UGX)
"UAH">乌克兰,赫里夫娜 (UAH)
"AED">阿拉伯联合酋长国,迪拉姆 (AED)
"GBP">英国,英镑 (GBP)
"USD">美国,美元 (USD)
"UYU">乌拉圭,比索 (UYU)
"UZS">乌兹别克斯坦,索姆 (UZS)
"VUV">瓦努阿图,瓦图 (VUV)
"EUR">梵蒂冈,欧元 (EUR)
"VAL">梵蒂冈,里拉[废弃] (VAL)
"VEB">委内瑞拉,博利瓦 (VEB)
"VND">越南,盾 (VND)
"USD">维尔京群岛,美元 (USD)
"USD">威克岛,美元 (USD)
"XPF">瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛,太平洋法兰西共同体法郎 (XPF)
"ILS">约旦河西岸,以色列新谢克尔 (ILS)
"JOD">约旦河西岸,约旦第纳尔 (JOD)
"MAD">西撒哈拉,摩洛哥迪拉姆 (MAD)
"WST">西萨摩亚(萨摩亚),塔拉 (WST)
"YER">也门,里亚尔 (YER)
"ZMK">赞比亚,克瓦查 (ZMK)
"ZWD">津巴布韦,元 (ZWD)
May 17, 2008, 02:27 PMWolson, I'm a tender-hearted, caring Auntie, but I hope the Stunt Toddler will be 100% again soon, because he really does "break-a da balls" when he is not gainfully occupied by school. When he has to miss school (since SARS, the pre-schools here have been very strict about keeping any student who is less than 100%, out of school), it's something of a challenge to keep him safely occupied. Thanks for your kind wishes, it means a lot to me.

May 17, 2008, 06:54 AMNor 津巴布韦, I suppose, changye? : ) 有用. 那么多的国家的名字和钱的名字都一起一定有用. 谢谢! Useful. That many country names and money types listed together will certainly prove useful. Thanks!

May 17, 2008, 07:35 AMchangye, I got a currency that you will really need (and that Bazza forgot, by the way): 拉丁元 --> Latinum There seems to be no ISO-akronym for that, though.

May 17, 2008, 07:45 AMBy the way. The people who trade in Latinum are called 佛瑞吉人 in Chinese. The "Rules of Acquisition" are called 获利守则, but I have yet to find a Mandarin translation of the individual rules.

May 17, 2008, 07:51 AMHi guonalusa, You guessed right. I have no plan to visit 津巴布韦 for the time being. Joking aside, although the list is very helpful, but I don’t think you need to memorize all those currency names in Chinese. Instead, I recommend you try to check (only) the readings of the characters used in the list as much as possible. It would be very helpful if you know how to read those Chinese characters, which are frequently used in names of foreign people and places.

May 17, 2008, 08:09 AMHi henning, Wow, I didn't know Ferengi people could speak Latin. Now, here is a list of "the Rules of Acquisitions" in Chinese, though it lacks some rules.

May 17, 2008, 08:17 AMDo Chinese Klingons speak Chinese or Klingon? :p.. it's a philosophical question.. think about it.. :)

May 17, 2008, 08:26 AMlight, no, they speak 克林贡语

May 17, 2008, 06:03 AMI have no plan to visit 阿富汗 in the near future.

May 17, 2008, 12:48 PMOkay, now see, this is why studying Chinese with you guys is so much more fun than using a textbook...Not a single one of my Beijing published textbooks mentions the Ferengi, their mother tongue, or the rules of acquisition. How can I get anywhere when their are such obvious gaps in my education?! : ) Thanks for making learning enjoyable, you guys! Reading the Chinese links after reading the English links is great practice and great fun!
May 17, 2008, 12:53 PMThanks bazza for this list. I love (love! LOVE!!!) "constructed" languages, ie artificial languages which were designed for purely literary purposes! As a 14-year-old, I was so carried away by the sheer romance of Tolkien's "Sindarin" that I convinced myself that "one day I'll learn Finnish!" (pwah... that didn't happen, even after I became a Mika Hakkinen fan). And I also secretly wished I knew the rough language of the dwarves. As a young adult, my first impressions of Bangkok (now one of my favourite cities) was, "Wow, they sound like Vulcans but the script looks so much like Klingon!" Years later, after having studied the script and the language, that's still what I think! The "constructed" language which has caught my imagination the most in recent years must be Atevi, which is the mathematics-based-keigo-heavy language of the Atevi in C J Cherryh's "Foreigner" book series. Thank you, all, for being patient with my longwinded off-topic spiel. Try to blame bazza if you can, he started it!

May 17, 2008, 01:02 PM谢谢Bazza,这些非常的有用!

May 17, 2008, 01:11 PMDear auntie68, Thank you for your sharing!^_^ Long time no see, I missed you! You are still funny!
May 17, 2008, 01:19 PMThanks casie, I missed you too. Last week I was computerless, and -- generally -- we've been very distracted by the fact that my nephew 仁义 ("Stunt Toddler") has been very unwell -- right now he's on asthma medication -- and has missed half of his school days in the past month. And even though my nephew is not "100%", he is still growing so fast, and we are trying to keep up with his love of Chinese (Chinese! Chinese! etc...) and his desire to SEND E-MAIL and POST and TYPE. He turns 3 on June 29th... when he's "typing", he looks like an office worker!

May 17, 2008, 01:47 PMoh, dear auntie68, I am sorry to hear that little Stunt Toddler are not feel good! Hope he will feel better soon! He will grow up soon since time always flies!^_^ May be next time you can take a picture when little Stunt Toddler is typing! That would be very interesting!

May 17, 2008, 02:11 PMI am sorry to hear about 仁义. I hope he is up and well and back on this site soon.

May 17, 2008, 12:33 PMThis where I extracted the list from:
May 17, 2008, 12:57 AMNo use?