May 23, 2007, 03:17 AM posted in General DiscussionI have a query that I wanted to contrive in Chinese, regardless of all my shortcomings, there it is-
有个问题,是关于因为词的发音。谁会解释为什么有时,吭"wei"的声,有时是kinda "vei"的声。尽管我的口语才疏学浅,我还认为是这样因为因为的为是轻声的,或着也许是专门的样子成了通行的发音。
Put simply I just wonder in what circumstances, regions or phonetic environment one uses that odd /v/ sound in the "yinwei" conjunction might occur, and whether such a sound can be found elsewhere, since my personal knowledge of the language is still somewhat sketchy. Please feel compelled to correct my mistakes, even if you have no answer to provide :)
May 23, 2007, 10:32 AMPerhaps you're hearing a tonal difference as a different in pronunciation? It's common for people to pronounce the word as yin1wei2, even though the "standard" pronunciation is technically supposed to be yin1wei4. I hear yin1wei2 all the time and yin1wei4 almost never (except on CCTV).
May 23, 2007, 12:43 PMtrevelyan - Well, this fanciful post of mine splits hairs, but I was not refering to the tone, although I hadn't come to think of that point before, thanks. But even for a given speaker who might always pronounce yīnwéi, I hear either a /w/ or a /v/ when the conversation gets more fluid. I dread that I'd rather not have drawn any attention to that point, as if it should be a matter of public concern...yaag katherine214 - Hi, I'm glad you paid attention, or it is that I'm ashamed? I didn't mean to ask if the pinyin was "vei", it was only a Sweet observation on a fact that sounded quite a fuss. In fact I don't know if what I wrote really meant anything, lol. Thanks for tolerating it. I'm not sure to be the fittest choice to improve your English b/c I'm French and mine is frozen and academic. I don't live with it elsewhere than on the net, therefore it lives without me-sigh
May 24, 2007, 03:14 AM很高兴认识你,大概是我错误地理解了你的问题,很抱歉.

May 24, 2007, 07:21 AMRemember, pinyin is kind of misleading in that we think there should be a /w/ sound if there is a written "w"... Usuually a text book, when teaching the phonetics, will say "close to the sound of". I to have heard a more of a /v/ sound with some "w" words. Remember, "v" is just a "w" with the lower lip in a little... not much different. So my point is that Chinese probably don't say a "w" EXACTLY as we do, and remember, usually in transliteration, an English word starting with "V" usually gets some "wei" sounding character.

May 24, 2007, 07:23 AMP.S. like your "豆", very funny.
May 25, 2007, 07:20 AMGood point Rich, I'll keep in mind the transliteration phenomenolology, for further analysises... 豆!
May 23, 2007, 07:42 AM呵呵,因为的拼音为"yinwei",在chinese中没有vei这种拼音写法.I am a chinese.and i want to learn English.Maybe we can help each other. my skype is katherine2141 msn is :zhang_hy_214@msn.com