Q and A with Q - The Chinese Q Sound

October 11, 2008, 01:39 AM posted in General Discussion

                              The Chinese "Q" Sound

The second in our series about aspiration is one of the most difficult for foreigners to make sound authentic:

  • Q

This is because it combines three sounds together that are not native to English.

  1. Flat Tongue Sound (舍面音, 平舍)
  2. Aspiration
  3. Voiceless Sounds

Later we'll get into greater detail about the "Flat Tongue Sound" in Chinese called the 舍面音, but this article will give a short description of how to pronounce this sound.

The 舍面音, Flat Tongue Sound

This sound will require discipline from native English speakers, as English has nothing like it in the phonetic system.

Mastering this sound, (as with many sounds in Mandarin Chinese) is entirely dependent on tongue positioning.

I affectionately refer to this sound as a "reverse Chi"

Take the tip of your tongue and press it against the back of your bottom teeth.  Notice the middle of your tongue (the tongue blade) curving upwards. 

Rest the center of your tongue (the tongue blade) against the bony ridge behind your front teeth (the alveolar ridge).  Be careful not to let the tip of your tongue move while you produce this sound.


As is often described online as a "thin sound" comes, in part from the aspirated quality of this sound.  Remember, aspiration is, simply put just giving the sound an extra puff of air.  Let the air come from your diaphragm, much like in singing, and if you do it right, the sound should sound especially hissy as the air slides down the top of your tongue.

Unvoiced Sound

The other contributing factor to the "thin sound" of the Mandarin Chinese Q comes from the sound being unvoiced.  An unvoiced sound is one that you can't sing.  Voiceless sounds are those that are not produced by the vocal chords.


While you produce this sound, put your hand over your Larynx.  Did you notice that it doesn't vibrate?

Now, contrast that with the Americanized "Ch" sound. 

Keep your hand over your Larynx while you say the word "Cheese". Now, just say the first part "Chee", did you notice the difference?

With the correct "Qi" sound you should feel very minimal vibration of your Larynx, while with the Americanized "Chee" sound you will clearly feel the vibration.

Practice your "Q" with all the following sounds

  • Qi
  • Qia
  • Qie
  • Qiao
  • Qiu
  • Qian
  • Qin
  • Qiang
  • Qing  
  • Que
  • Quan
  • Qiong

Once you are comfortable with the Chinese Q, you are ready to move on.

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October 05, 2008, 06:29 PM

What a cliffhanger!

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October 07, 2008, 04:28 PM

Aaaaah, what frustration! Just like Tinyrock. I am waiting with 'bated breath' to see this one. I am stuck on these. My Chinese friend said that I should not attempt to learn any more vocab or grammar until I learn to pronounce these correctly. In her direct manner she said, 'no point. . . no one will understand you unless you say it correctly.

Here are my attempts to make sense of how its done. Am interested to see how far off the mark I am



- tounge @front of teeth

- tongue drops

- pursed lips



- dont move lips

- let tongue drop to the front of mouth from roof as you aspirate


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October 11, 2008, 03:12 AM

Excellent explanations xiaohu.  I'm really looking forward to working through all the Chinese sounds, with the help of this group. 

I'm tired of saying things to some of my Chinese friends and seeing that look of "What the hell did you just say?" in their eyes!

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October 11, 2008, 05:06 AM

The pinyin “q” is a bit strange consonant, which is only followed by the vowels that begin with “i” , “u”, “u (= y)”, just like “qi, “, qian”, “, quan” and “, qu (= qy)”. The same goes for the pinyin “j” and “x”. Please look up a dictionary by yourself.

The medial vowel “i” played a very important role in the transition of Chinese pronunciations, which caused palatalization. The “i” is still vital in modern Chinese, so you need to emphasize it when speaking, just like you say “cheese when taking a photo.

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January 16, 2014, 12:23 AM

Typographical error: 舌面音, shurely?

Oddly, I checked this with Baidu, and there are all sorts of references to 舍面音, and either Baidu or Google, I can't tell which, translate it back into English as either residence or alms, but go on to make it clear that they've simply used the wrong Hanzi for tongue.
