PDF printouts are not GREEN
March 04, 2009, 03:09 AM posted in General DiscussionWhy are the fonts so big, and the margins narrow? Often, there's only 17 to 20 lines per page, and when the pdf's are printed, it's a waste of paper. Often a last page only has one or two lines. If C-Pod tightens up the margins, users can save on paper, and C-Pod can contribute to saving tree's all over the world.
Maybe they are people that want the huge 18 print font face, if so, you can still save paper by expanding the right/left margins. This is the font type for Kindergarteners, don't you think?
By make the font one or two sizes smaller, and increasing the margins, you can contribute to saving paper.
What do you guys at C-Pod think? Will you contribute to saving paper, tree's and help CPodders save money on paper too?
April 18, 2009, 09:37 PMGreen is fine but it should not become a religion. Moderation in all things is the key to a happy life. I find this one rule to be enough.
March 04, 2009, 09:23 AMThis requires an extra step, but if you want to conserve, you can copy and paste the HTML transcript into Word, TextEdit, or whatever....adjust the page properties to your liking, then print.
Much more freedom with the HTML transcript anyway.
March 04, 2009, 09:47 AMtrax,
You're right... When we designed the PDF, I think screen display were perhaps emphasized too much over print considerations. We will tackle this issue soon!
In the meantime, Calkins' suggestion is a great solution.
March 04, 2009, 11:59 AMtrax,
You can't copy and paste direct from the PDF. You must either change the address of the page from ***.pdf to ***.html or use the 'text version' link at the bottom of the PDF.
March 04, 2009, 12:22 PMI've not used the text version of the transcript before, but it's great: very clean and simple. Would it be possible to have a "Lesson Transcript HTML" link as well as a "Lesson Transcript PDF" link for each lesson, without having to click through the PDF (or change the file extension)
All the best,
March 05, 2009, 04:48 AMThanks John. I hope some changes will be made in the future. Remember, in today's world, we all need to think and practice GREEN! Save paper, save trees!
March 05, 2009, 04:52 AMCalkins, I can't copy pdf docs to word docs. How is that done?
But, I think it's easier for C-Pod as the source document generator to make the print outs using smaller fonts and widen the margins to fit more lines per page, than it is for thousands end-users do it on our end.
Thanks for the input. 回头间。
March 05, 2009, 09:37 AMtrax,
I totally agree. I try to be as paper-less as possible in the office, carrying my notebook PC around and making all notes in searchable text files rather than writing things down on paper.
Calkins' solution was to copy the PDF content by first opening up the HTML version, then copying and pasting that into Word. (You're right that you can't copy PDFs directly into Word, although some PDFs support copy-paste fucntionality.)
March 05, 2009, 09:47 AMSaving money yes, but saving trees is a fallacy. Trees used for paper are planted crops like potatos, if they sell more they plant more. The rain forest is safe. If you want to be green, ride your bike to work.
March 04, 2009, 09:15 AMI agree. However, if the font is large you can print two PDF pages on one paper page and still be able to read it (A5+A5=A4). Maybe some printers can't do that(?)
March 05, 2009, 10:09 AMnot an easy task Mike. I didnt say it was safe, just that printer paper is not the problem.
March 05, 2009, 05:39 PMI would NOT like to see the PDF font get smaller. I exclusively use PDF's on my iPAQ 200 (never print them), anything smaller and I wouldn't be able to read it.
For printouts, you can always set up your printer driver to print 2 pages per sheet by default.
What I WOULD like to see is the dialogues available as simple UTF-8 text files (with/without pinyin/english options; would be generated on download according to the users preferences). Then the font could be easily sized to whatever size the user wants and let the user read it on their terms (ie. in their Pleco 2 reader; or printed in a small font size).
April 18, 2009, 01:47 AMJohn,
Nothing has been done to reduce the waste in the paperwork. Maybe it takes time for changes to happen, but I hope the reduction of paper waste will take effect soon. It's not sure the tree's, paper, etc. I'm sure many of us are tired of paying HP $50.00 for two print cartridges which only contain a few grams of ink.
It's easier for this to be done at the source [ChinesePod] than for the "many of us" to do it at our end. Think of this as a reduction of repetition.
For the others that object because they may see it smaller on their hand-held devices, the benefit of the many out-weight the one. 其他得人就硬着头皮去办。
Or, as the Great "Spock" told us:
Spock: "It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
In real life selfless acts are diminishing and will soon be gone forever from our society. So that no single individual will be offended, we will offend the entire strata of society.
Thanks for the space. 谢谢帮帮忙忙!
Trax out!
April 18, 2009, 02:27 AMTrax, again with respect...
Cpod has provided all of us with an option: PDF or HTML that can be reformatted to our liking.
It doesn't make sense for Cpod to change the format now, after 1,200 lessons. Again, they've given us an option to be green.
When you believe in something strongly, sometimes you need to go that extra mile and choose the option that fits with your values, even if it requires more work on your part (i.e. HTML).
April 18, 2009, 02:37 AMI mostly use the PDF's for display. Of course, I'm thereby burning electricity to run the display, thereby consuming electricity, which warms the planet, which gives the trees more CO2 to breathe, which causes deserts, which destroy the rain forest, which leaves more CO2 for the plankton, etc. etc.
I guess to save the planet I should just sit here... spewing carbon dioxide
April 18, 2009, 02:42 AMLOL Tvan! I read yesterday that spam 'produces 17 million tons of CO2'.
A study into spam has blamed it for the production of more than 33bn kilowatt-hours of energy every year, enough to power more than 2.4m homes.
April 18, 2009, 04:56 PM...the benefit of the many out-weight the one.
How many people actually print out the PDF? I'd be willing to bet that most just view it electronically.
April 18, 2009, 05:40 PMYou could print using recyled printing paper. It hits your pocket, so really depends how dedicated you are.
Also, not all paper is derived from wood:
March 05, 2009, 10:00 AMrjberki
Thanks for reassuring us that the rain forest is safe. You might want to let the rest of the world know so they can rest easy. :-)
March 04, 2009, 03:11 AMBTW: I'm writing about the Chinese-Pod PDF lesson print outs.