机器人 jīqìrén

March 31, 2009, 10:06 AM posted in General Discussion

Example Sentence

T 上周五在日本東京的六本木,一個7.2米高的鋁制機器人巨人Torayan”向空中噴射火焰。這是為“六本木藝術之夜”進行彩排。

S 上周五在日本东京的六本木,一个7.2米高的铝制机器人巨人Torayan”向空中喷射火焰。这是为“六本木艺术之夜”进行彩排。

Shàngzhōu wǔ zài Rìběn Dōngjīng de Liùběnmù ,yīgè 7.2 mǐ gāo de lǚ zhì jīqìrén “Jùrén Torayan” xiàng kōngzhōng pēnshè huǒyán.  Zhè shì wèi “liù běn mù yì shù zhī yè” jìnxíng cǎipái.

Last Friday at Roppongi Hills in Tokyo, Japan, a 7.2-meter tall aluminum-made robot “Giant Torayan” blew fire into the air.  This was during a dress rehearsal for “Roppongi Art Night."

Example Sentence

T 工業生產越來越多地利用機器人

S 工业生产越来越多地利用机器人

Gōngyè shēngchǎn yuè lái yuè duō de lìyòng jīqìrén.

Industry production is utilizing robots more and more.


Lessons Related to 机器人 jīqìrén:

Upper Intermediate - Stargazing

Upper Intermediate - Old School Toys

Advanced - 日本动漫

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March 31, 2009, 10:31 AM

woo hoo;I guessed right.I didn't know 器,but knowing 机 [machine] and 人 [person] was enough to infer robot.I now see that 器 means device/tool/or utensil.Nice photo Calkins.Maybe this one should be called a 龙机器人。I will always think of the 机器人 from lost in space first:



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April 07, 2009, 08:19 AM

For fans of 机器人, here's a link to a wonderful clip of UK comedian Paul Merton's meeting with Mr. Wu, a man who makes robots for a hobby, just oustide of Beijing.

I can't seem to embed the video, so the link is here.

I just feel sorry for 吴先生的太太!

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March 31, 2009, 12:08 PM

Hey yeah Changye,

That reminds me.When are you guys going to have my housework sorted? I thought robots that did all your housework were meant to be commonplace and affordable by now.Bring on the Jetsons,hehe.

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March 31, 2009, 12:35 PM

OK, let me send you a super "housekeeping" robot for sweeping your room. Which one do you want? Gundam, Tranzor Z or Gigantor?

P/S. Sorry, Astroboy is on a business trip now.

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March 31, 2009, 12:43 PM


I don't know if Gigantor could do the housework,but as he's a childhood favourite,if you could send him along as my servant I'd be very much obliged.You'd be fulfilling an unrequited childhood 春秋大梦  which is even more  特别 than having my housework sorted !! 多谢 in anticipation my fine friend.


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March 31, 2009, 02:10 PM

器 qi4 device/tool/utensil

哭 ku1 cry

The only difference is an extra "吅". What is 吅?


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March 31, 2009, 11:37 AM

They should've made "alluminum-made Godzilla (哥斯拉)" blewing fire instead of such an uncool robot. It betrays Japan's image as a world-leading robot state, hehe.

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March 31, 2009, 10:11 PM

Yeah, I guessed robot too! Though I have a sneaking suspicion that I have seen the word before.

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April 01, 2009, 12:00 AM


looks like something out of a 哥斯拉 movie!!



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April 01, 2009, 01:17 AM

Doraemon (ドラえもん)
机器猫 (ji1 qi4 mao2)
小叮当 (xiao3 ding1 dang1)
哆啦A梦 (duo1 la1 A meng4)

Do you guys know Mecha-Godzilla (机械哥斯拉) ?


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April 01, 2009, 07:06 AM

Hi dunderklumpen

That's an interesting question. There are a few etymologies for 器, and my favorite one is as follows,

器 = 口 (mouth) ×4+犬 (dog) = dogs barking loudly

And this original meaning was lost and replaced by completely different meaning "utensil, ware" because of its similarlity in pronunciation. It's plausible, although only god knows.

There is another similar character, i.e. 嚣 (xiao1, hubbub). In this case, 页 is used instead of 犬 (dog), and it indicates "person's head" in old Chinese. So, this character indicates people who are making a row, and still preserves its original meaning.

哭 consists of two 口 (mouth) and one dog (犬), and it originally means "cry loudly like dogs". The character 吠 (fei4) means "bark", of course. Now, what character do you think is the most noisy? 器,嚣,哭 or 吠? haha.

P/S. Another etymology of 器 is "four (many) dishes and a watch dog protecting them". Japanese variant of this character consists of four 口 and one 大 (not 犬), just for your information.

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March 31, 2009, 03:44 PM

还是我最喜欢的就是 (can't quite bring myself to say 它).

watching his development has been like watching a baby grow (he's getting up by himself!  ooh he's walking!  now running!  waddling down the stairs!).  现在也能看到他在办公室和同胞合作给同事帮忙呢。