Red banner signs
January 20, 2010, 10:40 AM posted in General Discussionbodawei
January 21, 2010, 12:57 PMThe pair for the one above. That is it for me - I've posted a month's worth of signs and now I am off for a little travelling (collecting more signs.)
美化昆明共同家园。。to make more beautiful Kunming common home
提高人民健康水平。。raise the peoples health standards
January 21, 2010, 01:29 PM美化昆明共同家园。。to make more beautiful Kunming common home
提高人民健康水平。。raise the peoples health standards
January 21, 2010, 09:52 PMAll I can make out from the top banner is:
索【?民】数码单反相机高。。and sorry ,can't quite see the last two characters well enough.
?..possibly something about people searching for digital slr cameras??...maybe finishing off with high quality resolution or mp count or something along those lines??
baba, 索尼 is the maker's name (hint: it's a Japanese company).
doh,I don't even need to look that was in that lesson the other day which I heard but not studied yet【so hadn't seen the characters yet..but I should have also recognised the ni]...Sony...dangranlo .我觉得我真是一个笨蛋。。不好意思,呵呵 谢谢真
不用谢,不用不好意思! btw 我想知道的是——‘SUNY’那个中国名牌用汉字怎么写呢?
January 21, 2010, 10:02 PMbaba, 索尼 is the maker's name (hint: it's a Japanese company).
January 21, 2010, 12:53 PMIt was a toss-up whether these signs go in 'red banner signs' or the workplace category. That's the thing with categories. This one has a pair, below.