Can someone clarify 已经?
April 27, 2010, 02:50 PM posted in I Have a QuestionMany of us have heard that 已经 and 了 go hand-in-hand. But wait a second. Which kind of 了? Generally speaking, there are two kinds of 了s. One is positioned behind a verb (but not a stative verb). One is positioned at the end of the sentence. So which kind of 了 goes with 已经. Also, I looked around nciku and found examples without 了. Can anyone tell me when 了 is not needed in an 已经 sentence?
April 27, 2010, 03:31 PM你是想找到没有“了”的句子?貌似很难呀~我搜肠刮肚想了半天,也没想到不带“了”的“已经”句子,为什么你想要找到这种句子呢?
I more or less want to know what function 了 has when used with 已经, and where it should be placed within the sentence.
Hi xiaophil
One of my dictionaries says that you have to use “了” when “已经” is followed by a one-character verb, just like “我已经看了那部电影”.
Okay, thanks a million. That helps.
Strange that it doesn't include two character verbs.changye
In short, you can say both “已经开始” and “已经开始了”, but you can't say “我已经看”.
>One is positioned at the end of the sentence. (not a particle)
i think both can be used within 已经.
however,sometimes 了 (not a particle) cannot be omitted in order to make the sentence more completeness.
April 28, 2010, 12:56 AMI more or less want to know what function 了 has when used with 已经, and where it should be placed within the sentence.
April 28, 2010, 04:19 AMbump
April 28, 2010, 05:11 AMHi xiaophil
One of my dictionaries says that you have to use “了” when “已经” is followed by a one-character verb, just like “我已经看了那部电影”.
June 07, 2010, 03:16 AM
(1)了is not needed in the structure " 已经 +verb+过+的+noun"
(2)In some complex sentences 了 in not needed.
My mind however is now made up on the subject, for having received ordination at Easter.
We have tried two or three subjects already without success, and what we are to talk of next I cannot imagine."
June 07, 2010, 09:41 AMCheck out our grammar guide entry on 已经。There is a brief description, some examples, and a link to a related lesson. Hope that helps.
June 07, 2010, 09:59 AMThanks Changwingteng and Catherine!
April 27, 2010, 03:11 PMi found that the sentence there without 了still make sence if you added 了.
yes i mean all of them.