
May 19, 2010, 09:50 AM posted in General Discussion

In China you are bombarded by several messages a day on your mobile phone - good reading practice.  What would you make of this one, received a few minutes ago?  

最近好吗? 过两天就要离开这个地方了,有些话一直 想对你说却说不出口,我在语音信箱给你留了言,你拨99999999999按5键听听吧,张!

I'm pretty sure that I don't know 张! (Any 张 I know would leave their name or their name would come up on my phone.) 

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May 19, 2010, 01:45 PM

Looks like one of those ones where they pretend to be someone you know, then ask you for money to get them out of "trouble"...

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May 20, 2010, 02:10 AM

It is a message  kind of 暧昧.

how to say暧昧in English?

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We might say that it is 'dubious' - making the call is likely to lead to disappointment! I didn't call but assume that I would hear an advertisement for something I don't need. :)

We would say 'dubious' because anyone selling something worthwhile would make it clear what they are offering.

This message is also 'dubious' because it is kind of threatening in a way - 'I left you messages and you didn't reply'??