Where are the 2010 study goals / resolutions posts?

June 05, 2010, 01:57 AM posted in General Discussion
Hi guys I was looking for the post made by Suxiaoya about 2010's study goals / resolutions and all the comments seen to be disappeared? I was wondering how I was doing on my NY resolutions since we are almost half way 2010. Here is the link : http://chinesepod.com/community/conversations/post/6527 Am I missing something or are all the comments gone? If I google my username plus "narrow dwellings" I see the start of a comment that I posted on jan 3rd, but in my posts this does not show up in ALL the comments I posted. Very strange...
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June 05, 2010, 02:59 AM

That's not a bad thing for the posters who already failed to keep their new year resolutions, hehe.

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hehe,exactly,very convenient and apt

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June 05, 2010, 03:14 AM

I think the reason it's lost is because it was not a lesson discussion but rather a discussion started by suxiaoya under her username...thus I guess you'd have to belong to the group suxiaoya to view it. Actually I don't think it's even likely there. I think many of the discussion threads started by poddies have been lost in the changeover.

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June 06, 2010, 02:37 AM

Hi guys, thx I understand it know! Maybe it is better this particular comment disappeared :-P

However, to be honest, this is not good for a company who values / depends on their community so much :-).

If this really is the case how many comments  (% of) are gone?

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Why not email it as a request through the contact link and see if they can restore the thread?

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Maybe I should do that, so they are aware if the "issue". Thx for the idea! :-)

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suxiaoya was aware and responded to you here that she would check with the "tech peeps"


its in their hands now

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Yes, as rjberki says, I am working on sorting out the issue. The tech team know about this and confirmed that it's a question of recovering these comments (they haven't been lost forever!).

I shall make sure this is pushed through. It would be devastating to lose content like that.

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I missed that comment! Thx Rj. for letting me know.

Changye and Baba, maybe I should have kept my big mouth shot hahaha!

Suxiaoya, thank your reply, sorry I missed it before. Good luck with the recovery and thank you for your response & swift action !! :-)

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June 14, 2010, 06:18 AM

Hi chanelle,

I remember posting on this thread and I am almost sure I said my resolution was to learn Chinese characters.  I'm up to about 250 now.  It must be the only resolution I have ever kept.

Do you remember your resolution?

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Hey you are doing a great job! They say it only gets easier....

Well I had quite a few lol: I know it was something like this: pass HSK (check), learn "bad" chinese (can learn some more), move to advance lessons (not yet :-)), watch Narrow Dwellings in Chinese (did not find the time), pass driving license (check) and some more I forgot... which might be a good things as Baba and Changye mentioned haha.... most likely it is improving my writing which until now is not "great" to say the least! But, still half a year to go!

Good luck with the next 250!!!!!!

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thanks chanelle,

I guess I'm going to have to learn to drive or just be a passenger as my wife has decided to buy a car.

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Noooo, hkboy, we'll get back those resolutions!! What's the point of learning to drive if your wife can already?! Learning Mandarin is cool and it does minimal damage to the environment ;-)

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P.S. Congrats on learning 250 characters, that's awesome, resolution or no resolution!

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Thanks suxiaoya,

I totally agree about the driving. However, my wife is a terrible driver and it scares me to ride with her.

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It's gotta beat this though, right? :-)

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I love how only the adult is wearing a helmet. Brilliant.

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haha. funny. Also, in HK they drive on the left side of the road. I don't think I could make the change over.