Taiwan deep sea quake

July 14, 2009, 05:13 AM posted in General Discussion










台湾花莲海域发生6级以上地震 花莲 Huālián . city in Taiwan
海域 hǎiyù . sea area; maritime space
台湾中央气象局测定台湾花莲外海星期二(7月14日)凌晨发生里氏6.3级地震 气象局 qìxiàngjú . weather bureau
测定 cèdìng v. determine
凌晨 língchén n. before dawn
根据台湾中央气象局公布数据地震发生凌晨2时零5分,震中花莲秀林地震以东57公里外的海底震中深度为9.4公里。 秀林 xiùlín n. beautiful woods/grove/etc.
海底 hǎidǐ n. seabed; seafloor
深度 shēndù n. depth
目前还没有有关这次地震伤亡数据,不过台湾媒体报道说,台湾各地都有明显震感 伤亡 shāngwáng n./v. casualties
震感 zhèngǎn . earthquake 'sensation'
记者台北报道说,台湾震感明显,可以清楚感觉到建筑物摇晃台湾中央气象局测定台北市的震度约为3级。 建筑物 jiànzhùwù n. building; structure
摇晃 yáohuang v. rock; sway; shake
另外在凌晨4时28分,台湾宜兰外海发生里氏5.1级地震震中深度为2.5公里。 宜兰 Yílán Yilan
外海 wàihǎi n. open sea
台湾中央气象局地震测报中心称,这次地震花莲地震余震 余震 yúzhèn n. aftershock
根据中国国家地震台网的数据台湾花莲地震震级为6.7级,震源深度为6公里,震中台北市月120公里。 震级 zhènjí n. magnitude of an earthquake
震源 zhènyuán . hypocenter; focus
新闻 报道 bàodào v./n. report (news)
发生 fāshēng v. happen
根据 gēnjù cov. according to
公布 gōngbù v. announce; publish
记者 jìzhě n. (news) reporter; correspondent
媒体 méitǐ n. media
数据 shùjù n. data
目前 mùqián n. at present; at the moment
地理 台湾 Táiwān Taiwan
台北 Táiběi n. Taipei
以东 yǐdōng suf. to the east of ...
中国 Zhōngguó China
灾害 地震 dìzhèn n. earthquake; seism
震级 zhènjí n. magnitude of an earthquake
震中 zhènzhōng earthquake epicenter
里氏 lǐshì Richter
余震 yúzhèn n. aftershock

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July 14, 2009, 05:38 AM

Hi goulnik

前不久,台湾发生过特别严重的地震,今年是1999年集集大地震的十周年。跟印尼和日本一样,台湾频繁地震取决于地理位置,正在”火环“ 那边。

顺便说一下,好像最后一句有个笔误,应该是 “震中距台北市120公里 ”  ;-)

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July 14, 2009, 12:10 PM



If I parse the sentence it comes out as, Earthquake epicenter at Hualian Xiulin Seismographic monitoring station to the east of 57k from the coast ocean bottom

我不太清楚这个句子的意思. "秀林地震站" 好像是个 seismographic monitoring station's name, 是不是? 句子的意思是 "地中离疏林地震站五十七公里吗?" 还是 "居秀林地震站震中离台湾的东海岸线五十七公里?" 还是有别的意思?

我明白 "以东" 的意思,可是不太清楚它的用法.

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July 14, 2009, 12:22 PM

呵呵 Pete 你说的对,英国广播公司(BBC)的文章好像有这个错字…

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July 14, 2009, 12:27 PM

tvan, ‘花莲秀林’是‘花莲县(xiàn county)秀林乡(xiāng township)’的简称。

You have to parse 2nd part of the sentence in reverse though : Earthquake epicenter on the ocean bottom, 57km East of Hualian Xiulin Seismographic monitoring station

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July 14, 2009, 12:31 PM

goulnik, 谢谢.  Parse in reverse?  Arrggghh! 

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July 14, 2009, 12:33 PM

back to front :-)

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July 14, 2009, 01:43 PM

This sucker woke me from my sleep here in Taipei.  I'm on the 10th floor and the building was rocking quite a bit...the biggest 地震 I've ever felt.

There have been a total of 4 today, and approximately 30 in the past few weeks, all located along the same fault.

Hopefully it's not a precursor to another 1999 quake.

An interesting side note:  I recently read that some geologists believe that the pressure and weight of Taipei 101 (one of the heaviest buildings in the world) has reopened an ancient earthquake fault in Taipei, and that the stress from the building has caused a number of earthquakes from that fault.

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July 14, 2009, 11:07 PM

Hi tvan

The usage of 以 in "秀林地针站东" is the same as those in the phrases below.

中国国境外 outside Chinese border
二十岁下 below twenty years old
黄河南 south of the Yellew River

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July 15, 2009, 12:15 AM

Aaah, thanks changye.  I guess I was familiar with the form of the usage, I just didn't connect it with the directional aspect, i.e. North, South.  It looks like you place the 以北, 以东 or whatever following the term being modified.

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July 15, 2009, 04:40 AM

Hi, If you check out the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau, then click Earthquakes you will see a list. We are rocking and rolling over here. I've lived in Ping Chen City for many years and the weather is an important aspect of living here. 

reposted from meyers66.