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巴巴结结 | 巴巴結結
- 1 to manage with difficulty
- 2 only just getting by
- 3 in a difficult position
结结巴巴 | 結結巴巴
- 1 stammeringly
未结束 | 未結束
- 1 unfinished
- 2 unresolved
结婚生子 | 結婚生子
- 1 to get married and have kids
- 2 to start a family
结核菌素 | 結核菌素
- 1 tubercule bacillus
结晶体 | 結晶體
- 1 a crystal
结合律 | 結合律
- 1 associative law (xy)z = x(yz) (math.)
多重结局 | 多重結局
- 1 alternate ending
- 2 multiple endings
肺结核 | 肺結核
- 1 tuberculosis
- 2 TB
重结晶 | 重結晶
- 1 to recrystallize
结社自由 | 結社自由
- 1 (constitutional) freedom of association
结束工作 | 結束工作
- 1 to finish work
血液凝结 | 血液凝結
- 1 blood clotting
降结肠 | 降結腸
- 1 descending colon (anatomy)
- 2 third section of large intestine
结膜炎 | 結膜炎
- 1 conjunctivitis
结梁子 | 結梁子
- 1 (slang) to start a feud
- 2 to have a beef
不结果 | 不結果
- 1 fruitless
结队成群 | 結隊成群
- 1 to form a large group (idiom)
蝶形领结 | 蝶形領結
- 1 bow tie
大便秘结 | 大便祕結
- 1 constipation