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严严实实 | 嚴嚴實實
- 1 (sealed) tightly
- 2 (wrapped) closely
- 3 (covered) completely
严重性 | 嚴重性
- 1 seriousness
严刑拷打 | 嚴刑拷打
- 1 torture
- 2 interrogation by torture
妻管严 | 妻管嚴
- 1 henpecked male
戒严令 | 戒嚴令
- 1 martial law
严重危害 | 嚴重危害
- 1 severe harm
- 2 critical danger
华严宗 | 華嚴宗
- 1 Chinese Buddhist school founded on the Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya Sutra (Garland sutra)
日趋严重 | 日趨嚴重
- 1 more critical with every passing day
严重关切 | 嚴重關切
- 1 serious concern
戒备森严 | 戒備森嚴
- 1 heavily-guarded
严厉批评 | 嚴厲批評
- 1 to criticize severely
- 2 to slate
严格来讲 | 嚴格來講
- 1 strictly speaking
色厉词严 | 色厲詞嚴
- 1 severe in both looks and speech (idiom)
严岛神社 | 嚴島神社
- 1 Itsukujima shrine in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan
严了眼儿 | 嚴了眼兒
- 1 up to the eyeballs
- 2 full to overflowing
- 3 jampacked
严以律己 | 嚴以律己
- 1 to be strict with oneself (idiom)
- 2 to demand a lot of oneself
严重后果 | 嚴重後果
- 1 grave consequence
- 2 serious repercussion
形势严峻 | 形勢嚴峻
- 1 in grave difficulties
- 2 the situation is grim
严明 | 嚴明
- 1 strict and impartial
- 2 firm
家严 | 家嚴
- 1 (polite) my father