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奇谈怪论 | 奇談怪論
- 1 strange tales and absurd arguments (idiom)
- 2 unreasonable remarks
说也奇怪 | 說也奇怪
- 1 strangely enough
- 2 oddly enough
- 3 strange to say
奇形怪状 | 奇形怪狀
- 1 fantastic oddities of every description (idiom); grotesquely shaped
- 1 crazy
- 2 bizarre
- 3 weird
- 4 fantastic
- 5 strange
- 1 crazy
- 2 bizarre
- 3 weird
- 4 fantastic
- 5 strange
- 1 fantastic oddities of every description (idiom)
怪人奥尔·扬科维奇 | 怪人奧爾·揚科維奇
- 1 "Weird Al" Yankovic (1959-), US singer and writer of parody songs
- 1 strange
- 2 odd
- 3 to marvel
- 4 to be baffled
怪模怪样 | 怪模怪樣
- 1 outlandish
- 2 strange-looking
- 3 grotesque
怪声怪气 | 怪聲怪氣
- 1 strange voice
- 2 affected manner of speaking
见怪不怪 | 見怪不怪
- 1 to keep one's calm in the face of the unexpected
- 2 not to wonder at strange sights
怪里怪气 | 怪里怪氣
- 1 eccentric
- 2 odd-looking
- 3 peculiar
怪腔怪调 | 怪腔怪調
- 1 strange accent
- 2 odd manner of speaking or singing
麦田怪圈 | 麥田怪圈
- 1 crop circle
请别见怪 | 請別見怪
- 1 please don't be upset
- 2 no hard feelings
- 3 absit iniuria verbis
- 4 let injury by words be absent
荒怪不经 | 荒怪不經
- 1 absurd
- 2 unthinkable
科学怪人 | 科學怪人
- 1 Frankenstein (novel)
猛龙怪客 | 猛龍怪客
- 1 Death wish, movie series with Charles Bronson
- 1 Pokémon (Japanese media franchise)
礼多人不怪 | 禮多人不怪
- 1 nobody will find fault with extra courtesy (idiom)
- 2 courtesy costs nothing