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没意思 | 沒意思
méi yì si
  1. 1 boring
  2. 2 of no interest
够意思 | 夠意思
gòu yì si
  1. 1 wonderful
  2. 2 great
  3. 3 delightful
  4. 4 very kind
  5. 5 generous
yǒu yì si
  1. 1 interesting
  2. 2 meaningful
  3. 3 enjoyable
  4. 4 fun
hǎo yì si
  1. 1 to have the nerve
  2. 2 what a cheek!
  3. 3 to feel no shame
  4. 4 to overcome the shame
  5. 5 (is it) proper? (rhetorical question)
xiǎo yì si
  1. 1 small token
  2. 2 mere trifle (used of one's gifts)
思想意识 | 思想意識
sī xiǎng yì shí
  1. 1 consciousness
没有意思 | 沒有意思
méi yǒu yì si
  1. 1 boring
  2. 2 of no interest
bù hǎo yì si
  1. 1 to feel embarrassed
  2. 2 to find it embarrassing
  3. 3 to be sorry (for inconveniencing sb)
思茅地区 | 思茅地區
Sī máo dì qū
  1. 1 Simao prefecture in Yunnan
穷思苦想 | 窮思苦想
qióng sī kǔ xiǎng
  1. 1 to think hard (idiom)
  2. 2 to give sth much thought
统一思想 | 統一思想
tǒng yī sī xiǎng
  1. 1 with the same idea in mind
  2. 2 with a common purpose
费人思索 | 費人思索
fèi rén sī suǒ
  1. 1 to think oneself to exhaustion (idiom)
乐不思蜀 | 樂不思蜀
lè bù sī Shǔ
  1. 1 indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty (idiom)
卡尔·马克思 | 卡爾·馬克思
Kǎ ěr · Mǎ kè sī
  1. 1 Karl Marx (1818-1883), German socialist philosopher, political activist and founder of Marxism
一门心思 | 一門心思
yī mén xīn si
  1. 1 to set one's heart on sth (idiom)
思维敏捷 | 思維敏捷
sī wéi mǐn jié
  1. 1 quick-witted
  2. 2 agile of mind
思想体系 | 思想體系
sī xiǎng tǐ xì
  1. 1 system of thought
  2. 2 ideology
思乡病 | 思鄉病
sī xiāng bìng
  1. 1 homesick
  2. 2 homesickness
思密达 | 思密達
sī mì dá
  1. 1 (slang) (used at the end of a sentence to mimic Korean speech) (loanword from Korean verb ending "seumnida")
  2. 2 (jocularly) a Korean