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岁岁平安 | 歲歲平安
suì suì píng ān
  1. 1 May you have peace year after year (New Year's greeting)
岁月如流 | 歲月如流
suì yuè rú liú
  1. 1 the passage of the years
  2. 2 the flow of time
岁入 | 歲入
suì rù
  1. 1 annual revenue
  2. 2 annual income
日久岁深 | 日久歲深
rì jiǔ suì shēn
  1. 1 to last for an eternity (idiom)
岁计 | 歲計
suì jì
  1. 1 annual budget
岁月如梭 | 歲月如梭
suì yuè rú suō
  1. 1 time flies (idiom)
安太岁 | 安太歲
ān Tài suì
  1. 1 to propitiate the god of the current year, Tai Sui 太歲|太岁[Tài suì]
岁不我与 | 歲不我與
suì bù wǒ yǔ
  1. 1 Time and tide wait for no man (idiom)
二十六岁 | 二十六歲
èr shí liù suì
  1. 1 26 years old
岁月流逝 | 歲月流逝
suì yuè liú shì
  1. 1 as time goes by (idiom)
压岁钱 | 壓歲錢
yā suì qián
  1. 1 money given to children as new year present
守岁 | 守歲
shǒu suì
  1. 1 to see in the New Year
  2. 2 to stay up all night on lunar New Year's Eve
岁序 | 歲序
suì xù
  1. 1 succession of seasons
百岁老人 | 百歲老人
bǎi suì lǎo rén
  1. 1 centenarian
太岁 | 太歲
Tài suì
  1. 1 Tai Sui, God of the year
  2. 2 archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星[Mù xīng]
  3. 3 nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area
嗣岁 | 嗣歲
sì suì
  1. 1 the following year
  2. 2 next year
去岁 | 去歲
qù suì
  1. 1 last year