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终南山 | 終南山
Zhōng nán Shān
  1. 1 Zhongnan Mountains, near Xi'an
  2. 2 also known as the Taiyi Mountains
私定终身 | 私定終身
sī dìng zhōng shēng
  1. 1 to make a pledge to be married, without parents' approval
无疾而终 | 無疾而終
wú jí ér zhōng
  1. 1 to die peacefully
  2. 2 (fig.) to result in failure (without any outside interference)
  3. 3 to come to nothing
  4. 4 to fizzle out
终场锣声 | 終場鑼聲
zhōng chǎng luó shēng
  1. 1 the final bell (esp. in sports competition)
寿终正寝 | 壽終正寢
shòu zhōng zhèng qǐn
  1. 1 to die of old age
  2. 2 to die in one's bed at a ripe old age
终端 | 終端
zhōng duān
  1. 1 end
  2. 2 terminal
善始善终 | 善始善終
shàn shǐ shàn zhōng
  1. 1 where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth
  2. 2 to carry things through
  3. 3 I started, so I'll finish.
至始至终 | 至始至終
zhì shǐ zhì zhōng
  1. 1 from start to finish
终期癌 | 終期癌
zhōng qī ái
  1. 1 terminal cancer
终身俸 | 終身俸
zhōng shēn fèng
  1. 1 (Tw) retirement pay
  2. 2 pension
终天之恨 | 終天之恨
zhōng tiān zhī hèn
  1. 1 eternal regret
终成泡影 | 終成泡影
zhōng chéng pào yǐng
  1. 1 to come to nothing (idiom)
自始至终 | 自始至終
zì shǐ zhì zhōng
  1. 1 from start to finish (idiom)
终身大事 | 終身大事
zhōng shēn dà shì
  1. 1 major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)
守一而终 | 守一而終
shǒu yī ér zhōng
  1. 1 to be faithful to one's mate all one's life
有始有终 | 有始有終
yǒu shǐ yǒu zhōng
  1. 1 where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth
  2. 2 to carry things through
  3. 3 I started, so I'll finish.
终端机 | 終端機
zhōng duān jī
  1. 1 terminal
不可终日 | 不可終日
bù kě zhōng rì
  1. 1 to be unable to carry on even for a single day
  2. 2 to be in a desperate situation
情定终身 | 情定終身
qíng dìng zhōng shēn
  1. 1 to pledge eternal love (idiom)
  2. 2 to exchange marriage vows
始终如一 | 始終如一
shǐ zhōng rú yī
  1. 1 unswerving from start to finish (idiom)