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轻手轻脚 | 輕手輕腳
qīng shǒu qīng jiǎo
  1. 1 (to move or do sth) softly and quietly (idiom)
轻轻 | 輕輕
qīng qīng
  1. 1 lightly
  2. 2 softly
人微言轻 | 人微言輕
rén wēi yán qīng
  1. 1 (idiom) what lowly people think counts for little
轻武器 | 輕武器
qīng wǔ qì
  1. 1 light weapon
轻量级 | 輕量級
qīng liàng jí
  1. 1 lightweight (boxing etc)
身轻如燕 | 身輕如燕
shēn qīng rú yàn
  1. 1 as lithe as a swallow (of athlete or beautiful girl)
百事轻怡 | 百事輕怡
Bǎi shì qīng yí
  1. 1 Diet Pepsi
  2. 2 Pepsi Light
年轻化 | 年輕化
nián qīng huà
  1. 1 to make more youthful
  2. 2 to promote younger staff
年轻人 | 年輕人
nián qīng rén
  1. 1 young people
  2. 2 youngster
轻击球 | 輕擊球
qīng jī qiú
  1. 1 to hit the ball lightly (sport)
  2. 2 putt (golf)
轻口薄舌 | 輕口薄舌
qīng kǒu bó shé
  1. 1 lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude
  2. 2 caustic and sharp-tongued
轻嘴薄舌 | 輕嘴薄舌
qīng zuǐ bó shé
  1. 1 lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude
  2. 2 caustic and sharp-tongued
避重就轻 | 避重就輕
bì zhòng jiù qīng
  1. 1 to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial
  2. 2 to keep silent about major charges while admitting minor ones
不知轻重 | 不知輕重
bù zhī qīng zhòng
  1. 1 lit. not knowing what's important (idiom); no appreciation of the gravity of things
  2. 2 naive
  3. 3 doesn't know who's who
  4. 4 no sense of priorities
轻元素 | 輕元素
qīng yuán sù
  1. 1 light element (such as hydrogen)
问鼎轻重 | 問鼎輕重
wèn dǐng qīng zhòng
  1. 1 lit. to inquire whether the tripods are light or heavy (idiom); a laughable attempt to seize power
重利轻义 | 重利輕義
zhòng lì qīng yì
  1. 1 to value material gain over righteousness
轻重倒置 | 輕重倒置
qīng zhòng dào zhì
  1. 1 to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the unimportant and neglect the important)
  2. 2 lacking a sense of perspective
  3. 3 to put the cart before the horse
轻重主次 | 輕重主次
qīng zhòng zhǔ cì
  1. 1 to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the incidental and neglect the main point)
  2. 2 lacking a sense of perspective
  3. 3 to put the cart before the horse
文人相轻 | 文人相輕
wén rén xiāng qīng
  1. 1 scholars tend to disparage one another (idiom)