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决而不行 | 決而不行
jué ér bù xíng
  1. 1 making decisions without implementing them
行不由径 | 行不由徑
xíng bù yóu jìng
  1. 1 lit. never taking a short-cut (idiom); fig. upright and honest
行不顾言 | 行不顧言
xíng bù gù yán
  1. 1 to say one thing and do another (idiom)
行不从径 | 行不從徑
xíng bù cóng jìng
  1. 1 lit. not following the straight path (idiom); fig. looking for a shortcut to get ahead in work or study
并行不悖 | 並行不悖
bìng xíng bù bèi
  1. 1 to run in parallel without hindrance
  2. 2 not mutually exclusive
  3. 3 two processes can be implemented without conflict
不着陆飞行 | 不著陸飛行
bù zhuó lù fēi xíng
  1. 1 nonstop flight
wáng bù liú xíng
  1. 1 cowherb (Vaccaria segetalis)
  2. 2 cowherb seeds (used in TCM)
行动不便 | 行動不便
xíng dòng bù biàn
  1. 1 unable to move freely
  2. 2 difficult to get about
yán xíng bù fú
  1. 1 (idiom) to say one thing and do another
bù xíng le
  1. 1 (coll.) on the point of death
  2. 2 dying
yán xíng bù yī
  1. 1 (idiom) to say one thing and do another
祸不单行 | 禍不單行
huò bù dān xíng
  1. 1 misfortune does not come singly (idiom)
  2. 2 it never rains but it pours
多行不义必自毙 | 多行不義必自斃
duō xíng bù yì bì zì bì
  1. 1 persisting in evil brings about self-destruction (idiom)
xíng bù gǎi xìng , zuò bù gǎi míng
  1. 1 行不更名,坐不改姓[xíng bù gēng míng
  2. 2 zuò bù gǎi xìng]
不虚此行 | 不虛此行
bù xū cǐ xíng
  1. 1 the trip has not been made in vain
  2. 2 the trip has been well worthwhile
  3. 3 it's been a worthwhile trip
三句话不离本行 | 三句話不離本行
sān jù huà bù lí běn háng
  1. 1 to talk shop all the time (idiom)
不明飞行物 | 不明飛行物
bù míng fēi xíng wù
  1. 1 unidentified flying object (UFO)
逆水行舟,不进则退 | 逆水行舟,不進則退
nì shuǐ xíng zhōu , bù jìn zé tuì
  1. 1 like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back (idiom)
dào bù xíng
  1. 1 extremely
  2. 2 incredibly
xíng bu tōng
  1. 1 won't work
  2. 2 will get (you) nowhere