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已经 | 已經
yǐ jīng
  1. 1 already
说说而已 | 說說而已
shuō shuō ér yǐ
  1. 1 nothing serious
  2. 2 just hot air
已见分晓 | 已見分曉
yǐ jiàn fēn xiǎo
  1. 1 the result becomes apparent
  2. 2 (after) the dust has settled
方寸已乱 | 方寸已亂
fāng cùn yǐ luàn
  1. 1 (idiom) confused
  2. 2 troubled
  3. 3 bewildered
难以自已 | 難以自已
nán yǐ zī yǐ
  1. 1 cannot control oneself (idiom)
  2. 2 to be beside oneself
诛求无已 | 誅求無已
zhū qiú wú yǐ
  1. 1 to make endless exorbitant demands
缠绵不已 | 纏綿不已
chán mián bù yǐ
  1. 1 to cling without letting go
  2. 2 to pester without end
  3. 3 to cling lovingly to each other
万不得已 | 萬不得已
wàn bù dé yǐ
  1. 1 only when absolutely essential (idiom); as a last resort
mìng bù jiǔ yǐ
  1. 1 at death's door
惊叹不已 | 驚嘆不已
jīng tàn bù yǐ
  1. 1 to exclaim in astonishment
赞叹不已 | 贊嘆不已
zàn tàn bù yǐ
  1. 1 to be full of praise (idiom)
颤抖不已 | 顫抖不已
chàn dǒu bù yǐ
  1. 1 to shake like a leaf (idiom)
仅此而已 | 僅此而已
jǐn cǐ ér yǐ
  1. 1 that's all
  2. 2 just this and nothing more
有增无已 | 有增無已
yǒu zēng wú yǐ
  1. 1 constantly increasing without limit (idiom); rapid progress in all directions
方兴未已 | 方興未已
fāng xīng wèi yǐ
  1. 1 flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding
  2. 2 still growing strong
  3. 3 on the up
pò bù dé yǐ
  1. 1 to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances
  2. 2 forced into sth
mù yǐ chéng zhōu
  1. 1 lit. the timber has been turned into a boat already (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. what is done cannot be undone
huǐ zhī yǐ wǎn
  1. 1 too late to be sorry
nián yǐ cuō tuó
  1. 1 the years have already gone by
  2. 2 to be too old
yī kuí yǐ zú
  1. 1 one talented person is enough for the job (idiom)