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然并卵 | 然並卵
- 1 (Internet slang) ultimately useless
并系群 | 並系群
- 1 paraphyletic group
肩并肩 | 肩並肩
- 1 shoulder to shoulder
- 2 abreast
- 3 side by side
并行口 | 並行口
- 1 parallel port (computing)
合并症 | 合併症
- 1 complication (medicine)
并系群 | 併系群
- 1 paraphyletic group
- 2 also written 並系群|并系群[bìng xì qún]
并不在乎 | 並不在乎
- 1 really does not care
并行程序 | 並行程序
- 1 parallel program
中西合并 | 中西合併
- 1 Chinese-Western fusion
并行不悖 | 並行不悖
- 1 to run in parallel without hindrance
- 2 not mutually exclusive
- 3 two processes can be implemented without conflict
兼收并蓄 | 兼收並蓄
- 1 incorporating diverse things (idiom)
- 2 eclectic
- 3 all-embracing
兼容并包 | 兼容並包
- 1 to include and monopolize many things
- 2 all-embracing
三江并流 | 三江並流
- 1 Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in mountainous northwest Yunnan World Heritage protected area: the three rivers are Nujian 怒江 or Salween, Jinsha 金沙江 or upper reaches of Changjiang and Lancang 澜沧江 or Mekong
并蒂莲 | 並蒂蓮
- 1 lit. twin lotus flowers on one stalk
- 2 fig. a devoted married couple
苯并噻吩 | 苯並噻吩
- 1 benzothiophene C8H9, a heterocyclic compound (with one benzene ring and one cyclopentene ring)
连三并四 | 連三併四
- 1 one after the other
- 2 in succession (idiom)
并发症 | 併發症
- 1 complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure)
并卷机 | 併捲機
- 1 ribbon lap machine
声情并茂 | 聲情並茂
- 1 (of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression (idiom)
土洋并举 | 土洋並舉
- 1 combining native and foreign methods