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lǎo xiōng
  1. 1 elder brother (often used self-referentially)
  2. 2 (form of address between male friends) old chap
  3. 3 buddy
难兄难弟 | 難兄難弟
nán xiōng nán dì
  1. 1 lit. hard to differentiate between elder and younger brother (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. one is just as bad as the other
bǎ xiōng dì
  1. 1 sworn brothers
Léi màn Xiōng dì
  1. 1 Lehman Brothers, investment bank
四海之内皆兄弟 | 四海之內皆兄弟
sì hǎi zhī nèi jiē xiōng dì
  1. 1 all men are brothers
亲兄弟,明算帐 | 親兄弟,明算帳
qīn xiōng dì , míng suàn zhàng
  1. 1 even with your own brother, keep clear accounts (idiom)
弟兄们 | 弟兄們
dì xiōng men
  1. 1 brothers
  2. 2 comrades
  3. 3 men
  4. 4 brethren
兄弟会 | 兄弟會
xiōng dì huì
  1. 1 fraternity
tóng bāo xiōng mèi
  1. 1 sibling
兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮 | 兄弟鬩於墻,外禦其侮
xiōng dì xì yú qiáng , wài yù qí wǔ
  1. 1 internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invasion from outside (idiom)
华纳兄弟 | 華納兄弟
Huà nà xiōng dì
  1. 1 Warner Brothers
难兄难弟 | 難兄難弟
nàn xiōng nàn dì
  1. 1 brothers in hardship (idiom)
  2. 2 fellow sufferers
  3. 3 in the same boat
兄弟阋墙 | 兄弟鬩牆
xiōng dì xì qiáng
  1. 1 internecine strife (idiom); fighting among oneself
jiā xiōng
  1. 1 (polite) my elder brother
师兄弟 | 師兄弟
shī xīng dì
  1. 1 fellow apprentices
  2. 2 fellow students (male)
双生兄弟 | 雙生兄弟
shuāng shēng xiōng dì
  1. 1 twin brothers
táng xiōng dì
  1. 1 father's brother's sons
  2. 2 paternal male cousin
长兄 | 長兄
zhǎng xiōng
  1. 1 eldest brother
砚兄 | 硯兄
yàn xiōng
  1. 1 senior fellow student
méng xiōng dì
  1. 1 sworn brother