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聪明反被聪明误 | 聰明反被聰明誤
- 1 a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself
- 2 too smart for one's own good
物质文明和精神文明 | 物質文明和精神文明
- 1 material and spiritual culture
- 2 matter and mind
- 3 material progress, ideology and culture (philosophic slogan, adopted into Deng Xiaoping theory from 1978)
声明书 | 聲明書
- 1 statement
权利声明 | 權利聲明
- 1 copyright statement
词约指明 | 詞約指明
- 1 concise but unambiguous (idiom)
联合声明 | 聯合聲明
- 1 joint declaration
图解说明 | 圖解說明
- 1 explanatory diagram
亵渎神明 | 褻瀆神明
- 1 to blaspheme
- 2 to commit sacrilege
明智之举 | 明智之舉
- 1 sensible act
透明硬纱 | 透明硬紗
- 1 organza (fabric)
来路不明 | 來路不明
- 1 unidentified origin
- 2 no-one knows where it comes from
- 3 of dubious background
怀俄明州 | 懷俄明州
- 1 Wyoming, US state
圣多明哥 | 聖多明哥
- 1 Santo Domingo, capital of Dominican Republic (Tw)
泾渭分明 | 涇渭分明
- 1 as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly (idiom)
- 2 to be entirely different
验明正身 | 驗明正身
- 1 to identify
- 2 to verify sb's identity
- 3 identification
说明书 | 說明書
- 1 (technical) manual
- 2 (book of) directions
- 3 synopsis (of a play or film)
- 4 specification (patent)
- 5 classifier: 本 běn
具体说明 | 具體說明
- 1 explicit explanation
- 2 to specify
鲜明个性 | 鮮明個性
- 1 individuality
- 2 clear-cut personality
精明强干 | 精明強幹
- 1 intelligent and capable (idiom)
轮廓鲜明 | 輪廓鮮明
- 1 sharp image
- 2 clear-cut
- 3 in bold outline
- 4 in sharp relief