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内行看门道,外行看热闹 | 內行看門道,外行看熱鬧
nèi háng kàn mén dao , wài háng kàn rè nao
  1. 1 while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show
kàn yī kàn
  1. 1 to have a look
说到做到 | 說到做到
shuō dào zuò dào
  1. 1 to be as good as one's word (idiom)
  2. 2 to keep one's promise
看菜吃饭 | 看菜吃飯
kān cài chī fàn
  1. 1 to eat depending on the dish (idiom); fig. to act according to actual circumstances
  2. 2 to live within one's means
看在眼里 | 看在眼裡
kàn zài yǎn li
  1. 1 to observe
  2. 2 to take it all in
看着办 | 看著辦
kàn zhe bàn
  1. 1 to do as one sees fit
  2. 2 to play it by ear (according to the circumstances)
在我看来 | 在我看來
zài wǒ kàn lái
  1. 1 in my opinion
死到临头 | 死到臨頭
sǐ dào lín tóu
  1. 1 Death is near at hand. (idiom)
归根到底 | 歸根到底
guī gēn dào dǐ
  1. 1 after all
  2. 2 in the final analysis
  3. 3 ultimately
手到擒来 | 手到擒來
shǒu dào qín lái
  1. 1 stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); very easy
看准机会 | 看準機會
kàn zhǔn jī huì
  1. 1 to watch for an opportunity
  2. 2 to see one's chance to
关系到 | 關係到
guān xì dào
  1. 1 relates to
  2. 2 bears upon
看得见 | 看得見
kàn dé jiàn
  1. 1 can see
  2. 2 visible
看笑话 | 看笑話
kàn xiào hua
  1. 1 to watch with amusement as sb makes a fool of himself
船到码头,车到站 | 船到碼頭,車到站
chuán dào mǎ tóu , chē dào zhàn
  1. 1 The ship has docked, the carriage has reached the station.
  2. 2 The job is over, it's time to relax. (idiom)
给你点颜色看看 | 給你點顏色看看
gěi nǐ diǎn yán sè kàn kan
  1. 1 (I'll) teach you a lesson
  2. 2 put you in your place
联产到户 | 聯產到戶
lián chǎn dào hù
  1. 1 household responsibility system, introduced in the early 1980s, under which each rural household could freely decide what to produce and how to sell, as long as it fulfilled its quota of products to the state
看着不管 | 看著不管
kàn zhe bù guǎn
  1. 1 to stand by and pay no heed
  2. 2 to ignore
款到发货 | 款到發貨
kuǎn dào fā huò
  1. 1 dispatch upon receipt of payment
骂到臭头 | 罵到臭頭
mà dào chòu tóu
  1. 1 to chew sb out (Tw)