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自闭症 | 自閉症
- 1 autism
闭月羞花 | 閉月羞花
- 1 lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flowers (idiom)
- 2 fig. female beauty exceeding even that of the natural world
闭口不言 | 閉口不言
- 1 to keep silent (idiom)
封闭性 | 封閉性
- 1 encapsulation
撒手闭眼 | 撒手閉眼
- 1 to have nothing further to do with a matter (idiom)
深闭固拒 | 深閉固拒
- 1 deep, closed and refusing (idiom); obstinate
- 2 stubborn and perverse
闭锁期 | 閉鎖期
- 1 lock-up period (on stock options)
闭关政策 | 閉關政策
- 1 closed-door policy
开闭幕式 | 開閉幕式
- 1 opening and closing ceremonies
闭关自守 | 閉關自守
- 1 close the country to international intercourse
闭元音 | 閉元音
- 1 close vowel
闭幕式 | 閉幕式
- 1 closing ceremony
闭门羹 | 閉門羹
- 1 see also: 吃闭门羹 chī bì mén gēng
闭关锁国 | 閉關鎖國
- 1 to close the passes and seal off the country
- 2 to close a country to exclude foreign contact
闭口不谈 | 閉口不談
- 1 to refuse to say anything about (idiom)
- 2 to remain tight-lipped
- 3 to avoid mentioning
闭子集 | 閉子集
- 1 closed subset (math.)
夜不闭户 | 夜不閉戶
- 1 lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society
闭上嘴巴 | 閉上嘴巴
- 1 Shut up!
闭区间 | 閉區間
- 1 closed interval (in calculus)
闭音节 | 閉音節
- 1 closed syllable