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一分钱一分货 | 一分錢一分貨
yī fēn qián yī fēn huò
  1. 1 nothing for nothing
  2. 2 you get what you pay for
一分钱两分货 | 一分錢兩分貨
yī fēn qián liǎng fēn huò
  1. 1 high quality at bargain price
分离分子 | 分離份子
fēn lí fèn zǐ
  1. 1 separatist
běn běn fèn fèn
  1. 1 decorous
  2. 2 respectable
积分常数 | 積分常數
jī fēn cháng shù
  1. 1 constant of integration (math.)
不分轩轾 | 不分軒輊
bù fēn xuān zhì
  1. 1 well-matched
  2. 2 equally matched
难解难分 | 難解難分
nán jiě nán fēn
  1. 1 hard to untie, hard to separate (idiom); inextricably involved
  2. 2 locked in battle
分道扬镳 | 分道揚鑣
fēn dào yáng biāo
  1. 1 lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to part ways
积分方程 | 積分方程
jī fēn fāng chéng
  1. 1 integral equation (math.)
组成部分 | 組成部分
zǔ chéng bù fèn
  1. 1 part
  2. 2 component
  3. 3 ingredient
  4. 4 constituent
部分工时 | 部分工時
bù fen gōng shí
  1. 1 part-time work
数理分析 | 數理分析
shù lǐ fēn xī
  1. 1 mathematical analysis
  2. 2 calculus
调和分析 | 調和分析
tiáo hé fēn xī
  1. 1 harmonic analysis (math.)
分庭抗礼 | 分庭抗禮
fēn tíng kàng lǐ
  1. 1 peer competition
  2. 2 to function as rivals
  3. 3 to make claims as an equal
分解代谢 | 分解代謝
fēn jiě dài xiè
  1. 1 catabolism (biology)
  2. 2 metabolic breaking down and waste disposal
  3. 3 dissimilation
辐射分解 | 輻射分解
fú shè fēn jiě
  1. 1 radiolysis
一分耕耘,一分收获 | 一分耕耘,一分收穫
yī fēn gēng yún , yī fēn shōu huò
  1. 1 you get what you put in
  2. 2 you reap what you sow
难舍难分 | 難捨難分
nán shě nán fēn
  1. 1 loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
分销网络 | 分銷網絡
fēn xiāo wǎng luò
  1. 1 distribution network