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泸定桥 | 瀘定橋
Lú dìng qiáo
  1. 1 Luding Bridge over Dadu river 大渡河[Dà dù hé] in Sichuan, built by Kangxi in 1706, linking Luding county Sichuan Luding county 瀘定縣|泸定县[Lú dìng xiàn] with Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州|甘孜藏族自治州[Gān zī Zàng zú zì zhì zhōu]
气定神闲 | 氣定神閒
qì dìng shén xián
  1. 1 calm and composed (idiom)
大写锁定 | 大寫鎖定
dà xiě suǒ dìng
  1. 1 caps lock
安定时间 | 安定時間
ān dìng shí jiān
  1. 1 settling time (control theory)
定时摄影 | 定時攝影
dìng shí shè yǐng
  1. 1 time-lapse photography
通讯协定 | 通訊協定
tōng xùn xié dìng
  1. 1 communications protocol
稳定物价 | 穩定物價
wěn dìng wù jià
  1. 1 stable prices
  2. 2 commodity prices fixed by government (in a command economy)
  3. 3 to valorize (a commodity)
亲子鉴定 | 親子鑒定
qīn zǐ jiàn dìng
  1. 1 paternity or maternity test
定焦镜头 | 定焦鏡頭
dìng jiāo jìng tóu
  1. 1 prime lens
定点企业 | 定點企業
dìng diǎn qǐ yè
  1. 1 a specialized enterprise
国定假日 | 國定假日
guó dìng jià rì
  1. 1 national holiday
量身定制 | 量身定製
liáng shēn dìng zhì
  1. 1 tailor-made
坚定不移 | 堅定不移
jiān dìng bù yí
  1. 1 unswerving
  2. 2 unflinching
孙子定理 | 孫子定理
Sūn zi dìng lǐ
  1. 1 the Chinese remainder theorem
立定跳远 | 立定跳遠
lì dìng tiào yuǎn
  1. 1 standing long jump
炼之未定 | 煉之未定
liàn zhī wèi dìng
  1. 1 to spend a long time thinking about sth while unable to reach a decision
定额组 | 定額組
dìng é zǔ
  1. 1 quorum
预定义 | 預定義
yù dìng yì
  1. 1 predefined
泸定县 | 瀘定縣
Lú dìng xiàn
  1. 1 Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gān zī Zàng zú zì zhì zhōu], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)