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迎风飘舞 | 迎風飄舞
- 1 to whirl about in the wind
迎泽区 | 迎澤區
- 1 Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tài yuán shì], Shanxi
送旧迎新 | 送舊迎新
- 1 usher out the old, greet the new
- 2 esp. to see in the New Year
迎江区 | 迎江區
- 1 Yingjiang district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[Ān qìng shì], Anhui
欢迎光临 | 歡迎光臨
- 1 welcome
迎头儿 | 迎頭兒
- 1 erhua variant: 迎头 yíng tóu
迎来送往 | 迎來送往
- 1 lit. to meet those arriving, to send of those departing (idiom); busy entertaining guests
- 2 all time taken over with social niceties
不受欢迎 | 不受歡迎
- 1 unwelcome
送往迎来 | 送往迎來
- 1 see also: 迎来送往 yíng lái sòng wǎng
迎接挑战 | 迎接挑戰
- 1 to meet a challenge
迎风招展 | 迎風招展
- 1 to flutter in the wind (idiom)
- 1 to bow down to everything sb says or does
- 2 to act submissively in order to ingratiate oneself
夹道欢迎 | 夾道歡迎
- 1 to line the streets in welcome
迎头赶上 | 迎頭趕上
- 1 to try hard to catch up
迎神赛会 | 迎神賽會
- 1 folk festival, esp. involving shrine or image of God
迎头打击 | 迎頭打擊
- 1 to hit head on
迎头痛击 | 迎頭痛擊
- 1 to deliver a frontal assault
- 2 to meet head-on (idiom)
有失远迎 | 有失遠迎
- 1 (polite) excuse me for not going out to meet you
布防迎战 | 布防迎戰
- 1 to prepare to meet the enemy head-on
迎面而来 | 迎面而來
- 1 directly
- 2 head-on (collision)
- 3 in one's face (of wind)