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尽心尽力 | 盡心盡力
- 1 making an all-out effort (idiom); to try one's heart out
- 2 to do one's utmost
尽善尽美 | 盡善盡美
- 1 perfect (idiom); perfection
- 2 the best of all possible worlds
- 3 as good as it gets
咬舌自尽 | 咬舌自盡
- 1 to commit suicide by biting off one's tongue
感激不尽 | 感激不盡
- 1 can't thank sb enough (idiom)
尽人皆知 | 盡人皆知
- 1 known by everyone (idiom); well known
- 2 a household name
尽职尽责 | 盡職盡責
- 1 responsible and diligent (idiom)
筋疲力尽 | 筋疲力盡
- 1 body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired
- 2 spent
数不尽 | 數不盡
- 1 countless
人尽其材 | 人盡其材
- 1 employ one's talent to the fullest
- 2 everyone gives of their best
- 3 also written 人盡其才|人尽其才
鞠躬尽瘁 | 鞠躬盡瘁
- 1 to bend to a task and spare no effort (idiom); striving to the utmost
竭尽全力 | 竭盡全力
- 1 to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
人尽皆知 | 人盡皆知
- 1 see also: 尽人皆知 jìn rén jiē zhī
言不尽意 | 言不盡意
- 1 (conventional letter ending) words cannot fully express what is in my heart (idiom)
不尽根 | 不盡根
- 1 surd (math.)
丧失殆尽 | 喪失殆盡
- 1 to be used up
- 2 to be exhausted
一饮而尽 | 一飲而盡
- 1 to drain the cup in one gulp (idiom)
尽释前嫌 | 盡釋前嫌
- 1 to forget former enmity (idiom)
除不尽 | 除不盡
- 1 indivisible (math)
精疲力尽 | 精疲力盡
- 1 spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent
- 2 drained
- 3 washed out
江郎才尽 | 江郎才盡
- 1 Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent (idiom)
- 2 fig. to have used up one's creative powers
- 3 to have writer's block