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rù qíng rù lǐ
  1. 1 sensible and reasonable (idiom)
对号入座 | 對號入座
duì hào rù zuò
  1. 1 to take one's seat according to the ticket number
  2. 2 (fig.) to put (things or people) in their right place
  3. 3 to take a general comment as a personal attack
坠入情网 | 墜入情網
zhuì rù qíng wǎng
  1. 1 to fall in love
静脉注入 | 靜脈注入
jìng mài zhù rù
  1. 1 intravenous (medicine)
打入冷宫 | 打入冷宮
dǎ rù lěng gōng
  1. 1 to snub
  2. 2 to consign to the trash heap of history
国民收入 | 國民收入
guó mín shōu rù
  1. 1 measures of national income and output
映入脑海 | 映入腦海
yìng rù nǎo hǎi
  1. 1 to come to mind
  2. 2 to come to one's attention
登机入口 | 登機入口
dēng jī rù kǒu
  1. 1 boarding gate
入境问俗 | 入境問俗
rù jìng wèn sú
  1. 1 When you enter a country, enquire about the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do
  2. 2 When in Rome, do as the Romans do
一拥而入 | 一擁而入
yī yōng ér rù
  1. 1 to swarm in (of people etc) (idiom)
入场式 | 入場式
rù chǎng shì
  1. 1 ceremonial entry
  2. 2 opening procession
植入式广告 | 植入式廣告
zhí rù shì guǎng gào
  1. 1 product placement
预期收入票据 | 預期收入票據
yù qī shōu rù piào jù
  1. 1 revenue anticipation note (RAN, financing)
误入歧途效应 | 誤入歧途效應
wù rù qí tú xiào yìng
  1. 1 garden path effect
shēng táng rù shì
  1. 1 lit. to reach the main room and enter the chamber (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to gradually attain proficiency
  3. 3 to attain a higher level
píng jūn shōu rù
  1. 1 average income
chā rù yīn zǐ
  1. 1 insertion element
rù mù sān fēn
  1. 1 written in a forceful hand
  2. 2 penetrating
  3. 3 profound
dì zū shōu rù
  1. 1 rent income (esp. from arable land)
shōu rù zhèng cè
  1. 1 income policy