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dài tì fù mǔ
  1. 1 in place of sb's parents
  2. 2 in loco parentis (law)
同母异父 | 同母異父
tóng mǔ yì fù
  1. 1 (of siblings) having the same mother but different fathers
  2. 2 half (brother or sister)
同父异母 | 同父異母
tóng fù yì mǔ
  1. 1 (of siblings) having the same father but different mothers
  2. 2 half (brother or sister)
zǔ fù mǔ
  1. 1 paternal grandparents
shēng fù mǔ
  1. 1 biological parents
  2. 2 natural parents
zài shēng fù mǔ
  1. 1 like a second parent (idiom); one's great benefactor
父母双亡 | 父母雙亡
fù mǔ shuāng wáng
  1. 1 to have lost both one's parents
父母亲 | 父母親
fù mǔ qīn
  1. 1 parents
yī shí fù mǔ
  1. 1 the people one depends upon for one's livelihood
  2. 2 one's bread and butter
继父母 | 繼父母
jì fù mǔ
  1. 1 step-parents
义父母 | 義父母
yì fù mǔ
  1. 1 adoptive parents
céng zǔ fù mǔ
  1. 1 great-grandparents
zài jiā kào fù mǔ , chū wài kào péng you
  1. 1 one depends on one's parents when at home, and on one's friends when away from home (idiom)
fù mǔ
  1. 1 father and mother
  2. 2 parents
在家靠父母,出门靠朋友 | 在家靠父母,出門靠朋友
zài jiā kào fù mǔ , chū mén kào péng you
  1. 1 one depends on one's parents when at home, and on one's friends when away from home (idiom)
wài zǔ fù
  1. 1 maternal grandfather (i.e. mother's father)
zhī zǐ mò ruò fù
  1. 1 nobody understands one's son better than his father (idiom)
父权制 | 父權制
fù quán zhì
  1. 1 patriarchy
一日为师,终身为父 | 一日為師,終身為父
yī rì wéi shī , zhōng shēn wéi fù
  1. 1 lit. teacher for one day, father for ever (idiom)
恋父情结 | 戀父情結
liàn fù qíng jié
  1. 1 Electra complex