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隐隐约约 | 隱隱約約
yǐn yǐn yuē yuē
  1. 1 faint
  2. 2 distant
  3. 3 barely audible
约克郡 | 約克郡
Yuē kè jùn
  1. 1 Yorkshire (English region)
约沙法 | 約沙法
Yuē shā fǎ
  1. 1 Jehoshaphat, fourth king of Judah (Judaism)
中法新约 | 中法新約
Zhōng Fǎ xīn yuē
  1. 1 treaty of Tianjin of 1885 ceding Vietnam to France
桑帕约 | 桑帕約
Sāng pà yuē
  1. 1 Sampaio (name)
  2. 2 Jorge Sampaio (1939-), Portuguese lawyer and politician, president of Portugal 1996-2006
  3. 3 Sampaio, town in Brazil
括约肌 | 括約肌
kuò yuē jī
  1. 1 sphincter
如约而至 | 如約而至
rú yuē ér zhì
  1. 1 to arrive as planned
  2. 2 right on schedule
不约而同 | 不約而同
bù yuē ér tóng
  1. 1 to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation
有约在先 | 有約在先
yǒu yuē zài xiān
  1. 1 to have a prior engagement
施洗约翰 | 施洗約翰
Shī xǐ Yuē hàn
  1. 1 John the Baptist
约瑟夫 | 約瑟夫
Yuē sè fū
  1. 1 Joseph (name)
约旦河 | 約旦河
Yuē dàn Hé
  1. 1 Jordan River
照约定 | 照約定
zhào yuē dìng
  1. 1 according to agreement
  2. 2 as arranged
  3. 3 as stipulated
李约瑟 | 李約瑟
Lǐ Yuē sè
  1. 1 Joseph Needham (1900-1995), British biochemist and author of Science and Civilization in China
约法三章 | 約法三章
yuē fǎ sān zhāng
  1. 1 to agree on three laws (idiom)
  2. 2 three-point covenant
  3. 3 (fig.) preliminary agreement
  4. 4 basic rules
不可通约 | 不可通約
bù kě tōng yuē
  1. 1 having no common measure
  2. 2 incommensurable
  3. 3 incommensurate
棒约翰 | 棒約翰
Bàng Yuē hàn
  1. 1 Papa John's (pizza chain)
约定俗成 | 約定俗成
yuē dìng sú chéng
  1. 1 established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement
  2. 2 customary convention
约翰·本仁 | 約翰·本仁
Yuē hàn · Běn rén
  1. 1 John Bunyan (1628-1688), English puritan writer, author of Pilgrim's Progress 天路歷程|天路历程