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费洛蒙 | 費洛蒙
- 1 pheromone
封口费 | 封口費
- 1 hush money
生活费 | 生活費
- 1 cost of living
- 2 living expenses
- 3 alimony
费利克斯 | 費利克斯
- 1 Felix
堵塞费 | 堵塞費
- 1 traffic congestion fee
附加费 | 附加費
- 1 surcharge
伙食费 | 伙食費
- 1 food expenses
- 2 board expenses
- 3 meals (cost)
费米子 | 費米子
- 1 fermion
消费品 | 消費品
- 1 consumer goods
消费者 | 消費者
- 1 consumer
交通费 | 交通費
- 1 transport costs
和解费 | 和解費
- 1 money settlement (fine or payment to end a legal dispute)
惠而不费 | 惠而不費
- 1 a kind act that costs nothing
开瓶费 | 開瓶費
- 1 corkage fee
维持费 | 維持費
- 1 maintenance costs
人工费 | 人工費
- 1 labor cost
费周折 | 費周折
- 1 to spend (much) effort
- 2 to go through (a lot of) trouble
费孝通 | 費孝通
- 1 Fei Xiaotong (1910-2005), Chinese sociologist
费工夫 | 費工夫
- 1 to spend a great deal of time and effort
- 2 (of a task) demanding
- 3 exacting
浪费者 | 浪費者
- 1 waster
- 2 wastrel
- 3 squanderer