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婚纱摄影 | 婚紗攝影
hūn shā shè yǐng
  1. 1 wedding photos (done in studio, kit and caboodle taken care of by the studio)
新婚夫妇 | 新婚夫婦
xīn hūn fū fù
  1. 1 newly married couple
  2. 2 newlyweds
结婚生子 | 結婚生子
jié hūn shēng zǐ
  1. 1 to get married and have kids
  2. 2 to start a family
闪电式结婚 | 閃電式結婚
shǎn diàn shì jié hūn
  1. 1 lightning wedding
  2. 2 to get married on the spur of the moment
  3. 3 abbr. to 閃婚|闪婚
小别胜新婚 | 小別勝新婚
xiǎo bié shèng xīn hūn
  1. 1 reunion after an absence is sweeter than being newlyweds (idiom)
  2. 2 absence makes the heart grow fonder
先有后婚 | 先有後婚
xiān yǒu hòu hūn
  1. 1 marriage arranged following a pregnancy
  2. 2 marriage necessitated by an unplanned pregnancy
适婚期 | 適婚期
shì hūn qī
  1. 1 ages suitable for getting married
婚姻介绍所 | 婚姻介紹所
hūn yīn jiè shào suǒ
  1. 1 marriage agency
jí hūn zú
  1. 1 (coll.) those who are in a rush to get married
fēi hūn shēng
  1. 1 born out of wedlock
  2. 2 illegitimate
hūn wài qíng
  1. 1 extramarital affair
hūn yīn fǎ
  1. 1 marriage law
婚前财产公证 | 婚前財產公證
hūn qián cái chǎn gōng zhèng
  1. 1 prenuptial agreement
  2. 2 dowry contract
wèi hūn qī
  1. 1 fiancée
yīn yùn ér hūn
  1. 1 shotgun wedding (idiom)
nán hūn nǚ jià
  1. 1 to celebrate a wedding
结婚证 | 結婚證
jié hūn zhèng
  1. 1 marriage certificate
新婚燕尔 | 新婚燕爾
xīn hūn yàn ěr
  1. 1 newlyweds
fēi hūn shēng zǐ nǚ
  1. 1 an illegitimate child