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派上用场 | 派上用場
pài shàng yòng chǎng
  1. 1 to put to good use
  2. 2 to come in handy
宗派主义 | 宗派主義
zōng pài zhǔ yì
  1. 1 sectarianism
派翠西亚 | 派翠西亞
Pài cuì xī yà
  1. 1 Patricia
雅各宾派 | 雅各賓派
Yǎ gè bīn pài
  1. 1 Jacobin club, French revolutionary party that played a leading role in the reign of terror 1791-1794
立体派 | 立體派
Lì tǐ pài
  1. 1 Cubism
强硬派 | 強硬派
qiáng yìng pài
  1. 1 hardline faction
  2. 2 hawks
灵恩派 | 靈恩派
Líng ēn pài
  1. 1 Charismatic Movement
zhǔ hé pài
  1. 1 the peace faction
  2. 2 doves
fàn mín zhǔ pài
  1. 1 pan-Democratic alliance (Hong Kong)
wǎ hā bǐ jiào pài
  1. 1 Wahhabism (a conservative sect of Islam)
统购派购 | 統購派購
tǒng gòu pài gòu
  1. 1 unified government purchase at fixed price (esp of farm products)
反右派斗争 | 反右派鬥爭
Fǎn yòu pài Dòu zhēng
  1. 1 Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957
反对派 | 反對派
fǎn duì pài
  1. 1 opposition faction
派力奥 | 派力奧
Pài lì ào
  1. 1 Fiat Palio
现代派 | 現代派
xiàn dài pài
  1. 1 modernist faction
  2. 2 modernists
什叶派 | 什葉派
Shí yè pài
  1. 1 Shia sect (of Islam)
苹果派 | 蘋果派
píng guǒ pài
  1. 1 apple pie
作风正派 | 作風正派
zuò fēng zhèng pài
  1. 1 to be honest and upright
  2. 2 to have moral integrity
一派谎言 | 一派謊言
yī pài huǎng yán
  1. 1 a pack of lies
yìn xiàng pài
  1. 1 impressionism