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好心倒做了驴肝肺 | 好心倒做了驢肝肺
hǎo xīn dào zuò le lǘ gān fēi
  1. 1 lit. to mistake good intentions for a donkey's liver and lungs (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to mistake good intentions for ill intent
zuò hǎo zuò dǎi
  1. 1 to persuade using all possible arguments (idiom); to act good cop and bad cop in turn
做张做势 | 做張做勢
zuò zhāng zuò shì
  1. 1 to put on an act (idiom); to pose
  2. 2 to show theatrical affectation
  3. 3 to indulge in histrionics
做张做智 | 做張做智
zuò zhāng zuò zhì
  1. 1 to put on an act (idiom); to pose
  2. 2 to show theatrical affectation
  3. 3 to indulge in histrionics
做牛做马 | 做牛做馬
zuò niú zuò mǎ
  1. 1 lit. to work like an ox, to work like a horse; fig. to work extremely hard
zuò méi zuò yǎn
  1. 1 to frown
小题大做 | 小題大做
xiǎo tí dà zuò
  1. 1 to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom)
zuò shēng rì
  1. 1 to celebrate a birthday
  2. 2 to give a birthday party
zuò zì jǐ
  1. 1 to be oneself
生米做成熟饭 | 生米做成熟飯
shēng mǐ zuò chéng shú fàn
  1. 1 lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed
  2. 2 It's too late to change anything now.
  3. 3 also written 生米煮成熟飯|生米煮成熟饭
宁做鸡头,不做凤尾 | 寧做雞頭,不做鳳尾
nìng zuò jī tóu , bù zuò fèng wěi
  1. 1 lit. would rather be a chicken's head than a phoenix's tail (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to prefer to be a big fish in a small pond rather than a small fish in a big pond
好了伤疤忘了疼 | 好了傷疤忘了疼
hǎo le shāng bā wàng le téng
  1. 1 to forget past pains once the wound has healed (idiom)
做厅长 | 做廳長
zuò tīng zhǎng
  1. 1 (jocularly) to sleep on the couch
  2. 2 to sleep in the living room
le qù le
  1. 1 (coll.) (after adjectives such as 多, 大, 远, 高) very
  2. 2 extremely
bù liǎo liǎo zhī
  1. 1 to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled
  2. 2 to end up with nothing definite
yī liǎo bǎi liǎo
  1. 1 once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved
  2. 2 death ends all one's troubles
duō le qù le
  1. 1 (coll.) aplenty
  2. 2 millions of
只说不做 | 只說不做
zhǐ shuō bù zuò
  1. 1 to be all talk and no action