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为所欲为 | 為所欲為
- 1 to do whatever one pleases
一日为师,终身为父 | 一日為師,終身為父
- 1 lit. teacher for one day, father for ever (idiom)
走为上 | 走為上
- 1 If everything else fails, retreat. (idiom)
- 2 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[sān shí liù jì
- 3 zǒu wéi shàng cè]
以此为 | 以此為
- 1 to regard as
- 2 to treat as
敢作敢为 | 敢作敢為
- 1 to stop at nothing (idiom)
- 2 to dare to do anything
为富不仁 | 為富不仁
- 1 the benevolent man cannot be rich (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24).
宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 | 寧為玉碎,不為瓦全
- 1 Better broken jade than intact tile.
- 2 Death is preferable to dishonor. (idiom)
称之为 | 稱之為
- 1 to call it...
- 2 known as...
引以为憾 | 引以為憾
- 1 to consider sth regrettable (idiom)
神成为人 | 神成為人
- 1 God became man
不为酒困 | 不為酒困
- 1 not a slave to the bottle
- 2 able to enjoy alcohol in moderation
- 3 able to hold one's drink
信以为真 | 信以為真
- 1 to take sth to be true
互为因果 | 互為因果
- 1 mutually related karma (idiom); fates are intertwined
- 2 interdependent
到此为止 | 到此為止
- 1 to stop at this point
- 2 to end here
- 3 to call it a day
好自为之 | 好自為之
- 1 to do one's best
- 2 to shape up
- 3 to behave
- 4 to fend for oneself
- 5 you're on your own
倒果为因 | 倒果為因
- 1 to reverse cause and effect
- 2 to put the horse before the cart
融合为一 | 融合為一
- 1 to form a cohesive whole
- 2 to fuse together
耳听为虚,眼见为实 | 耳聽為虛,眼見為實
- 1 Take what you hear to be false, only believe it when you see it (idiom). Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yourself.
- 2 It ain't necessarily so.
眼见为实,耳听为虚 | 眼見為實,耳聽為虛
- 1 to believe what one sees, not what one hears (idiom). Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yourself.
- 2 It ain't necessarily so.
成者为王,败者为寇 | 成者為王,敗者為寇
- 1 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇[chéng zé wéi wáng
- 2 bài zé wéi kòu]