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风风火火 | 風風火火
fēng fēng huǒ huǒ
  1. 1 bustling
  2. 2 energetic
火烧火燎 | 火燒火燎
huǒ shāo huǒ liáo
  1. 1 restless with anxiety
  2. 2 unbearably hot and anxious
石头火锅 | 石頭火鍋
shí tou huǒ guō
  1. 1 claypot (used in cooking)
万家灯火 | 萬家燈火
wàn jiā dēng huǒ
  1. 1 (of a city etc) ablaze with lights
水深火热 | 水深火熱
shuǐ shēn huǒ rè
  1. 1 deep water and scorching fire
  2. 2 abyss of suffering (idiom)
篝火狐鸣 | 篝火狐鳴
gōu huǒ hú míng
  1. 1 to tell fox ghost stories around a bonfire and incite rebellion
  2. 2 an uprising is afoot (idiom)
灯火通明 | 燈火通明
dēng huǒ tōng míng
  1. 1 brightly lit
薪火相传 | 薪火相傳
xīn huǒ xiāng chuán
  1. 1 lit. the flame of a burning piece of firewood passes on to the rest (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. (of knowledge, skill etc) to be passed on from teachers to students, one generation to another
火山活动 | 火山活動
huǒ shān huó dòng
  1. 1 volcanic activity
  2. 2 volcanism
杀人放火 | 殺人放火
shā rén fàng huǒ
  1. 1 to kill and burn (idiom); murder and arson
防火长城 | 防火長城
Fáng huǒ Cháng chéng
  1. 1 Great Firewall of China (system for restricting access to foreign websites)
表演过火 | 表演過火
biǎo yǎn guò huǒ
  1. 1 to overact
  2. 2 to overdo one's part
火烧眉毛 | 火燒眉毛
huǒ shāo méi mao
  1. 1 lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows (idiom); fig. desperate situation
  2. 2 extreme emergency
黑灯瞎火 | 黑燈瞎火
hēi dēng xiā huǒ
  1. 1 pitch dark
惹火烧身 | 惹火燒身
rě huǒ shāo shēn
  1. 1 stir up the fire and you get burnt (idiom); to get one's fingers burnt
  2. 2 fig. to suffer on account of one's own meddling
洞若观火 | 洞若觀火
dòng ruò guān huǒ
  1. 1 clear as a flame (idiom); to see things absolutely clearly
赴汤蹈火 | 赴湯蹈火
fù tāng dǎo huǒ
  1. 1 to go through water and tread on fire (idiom); not afraid of any difficulty
火山学 | 火山學
huǒ shān xué
  1. 1 volcanology
火枪手 | 火槍手
huǒ qiāng shǒu
  1. 1 gunman
  2. 2 musketeer