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鱼米之乡 | 魚米之鄉
yú mǐ zhī xiāng
  1. 1 (lit.) land of fish and rice
  2. 2 (fig.) fertile region
  3. 3 land of milk and honey
纳米比亚 | 納米比亞
Nà mǐ bǐ yà
  1. 1 Namibia
玉米糖浆 | 玉米糖漿
yù mǐ táng jiāng
  1. 1 corn syrup
柴米油盐 | 柴米油鹽
chái mǐ yóu yán
  1. 1 lit. firewood, rice, oil and salt
  2. 2 fig. life's daily necessities
阿拉米语 | 阿拉米語
Ā lā mǐ yǔ
  1. 1 Aramaic (language)
堤拉米苏 | 堤拉米蘇
dī lā mǐ sū
  1. 1 tiramisu (loanword)
呒虾米 | 嘸蝦米
wǔ xiā mǐ
  1. 1 Boshiamy (Hoklo: 無甚物|无甚物[bô-siáⁿ-mi̍h] it's nothing) input method for Chinese
立方厘米 | 立方釐米
lì fāng lí mǐ
  1. 1 cubic centimeter
米开朗基罗 | 米開朗基羅
Mǐ kāi lǎng jī luó
  1. 1 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Renaissance painter and sculptor
鸡米花 | 雞米花
jī mǐ huā
  1. 1 chicken nuggets
  2. 2 popcorn chicken
闪米特 | 閃米特
Shǎn mǐ tè
  1. 1 Semitic
欧米伽 | 歐米伽
ōu mǐ gā
  1. 1 omega (Greek letter Ωω)
奥米伽 | 奧米伽
ào mǐ gā
  1. 1 omega (Greek letter Ωω)
尼米兹 | 尼米茲
Ní mǐ zī
  1. 1 Chester William Nimitz (1885-1966), US admiral
米诺安 | 米諾安
Mǐ nuò ān
  1. 1 Minoan (civilization on Crete)
多米诺 | 多米諾
duō mǐ nuò
  1. 1 domino (loanword)
玉米糁 | 玉米糝
yù mǐ sǎn
  1. 1 corn grits
阿米巴原虫 | 阿米巴原蟲
ā mǐ bā yuán chóng
  1. 1 amoeba
  2. 2 ameba
多米诺骨牌 | 多米諾骨牌
duō mǐ nuò gǔ pái
  1. 1 dominoes