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祸从口出 | 禍從口出
huò cóng kǒu chū
  1. 1 Trouble issues from the mouth (idiom). A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble.
后进先出 | 後進先出
hòu jìn xiān chū
  1. 1 to come late and leave first
  2. 2 last in, first out (LIFO)
出没无常 | 出沒無常
chū mò wú cháng
  1. 1 to appear and disappear unpredictably
提出建议 | 提出建議
tí chū jiàn yì
  1. 1 to propose
  2. 2 to raise a suggestion
驱逐出境 | 驅逐出境
qū zhú chū jìng
  1. 1 to deport
  2. 2 to expel
仓皇出逃 | 倉皇出逃
cāng huáng chū táo
  1. 1 to run off in a great panic (idiom)
亏本出售 | 虧本出售
kuī běn chū shòu
  1. 1 to sell at a loss
昼伏夜出 | 晝伏夜出
zhòu fú yè chū
  1. 1 nocturnal
  2. 2 to hide by day and come out at night
出言不逊 | 出言不遜
chū yán bù xùn
  1. 1 to speak rudely
溢出效应 | 溢出效應
yì chū xiào yìng
  1. 1 spillover effect
出头鸟 | 出頭鳥
chū tóu niǎo
  1. 1 to stand out (among a group)
  2. 2 distinguished
挤压出 | 擠壓出
jǐ yā chū
  1. 1 to extrude
出纳员 | 出納員
chū nà yuán
  1. 1 cashier
  2. 2 teller
  3. 3 treasurer
出场费 | 出場費
chū chǎng fèi
  1. 1 appearance fee
出风口 | 出風口
chū fēng kǒu
  1. 1 air vent
  2. 2 air outlet