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明里暗里 | 明裡暗裡
míng lǐ àn lǐ
  1. 1 overtly and secretly
  2. 2 explicitly and implicitly
里外里 | 裡外裡
lǐ wài lǐ
  1. 1 all in all
  2. 2 either way
里里外外 | 裡裡外外
lǐ lǐ wài wài
  1. 1 inside and out
哪里哪里 | 哪裡哪裡
nǎ lǐ nǎ lǐ
  1. 1 you're too kind
  2. 2 you flatter me
云里雾里 | 雲裡霧裡
yún lǐ wù lǐ
  1. 1 amidst the clouds and mist
  2. 2 (fig.) mystified
  3. 3 puzzled
四下里 | 四下裡
sì xià li
  1. 1 all around
打心眼里 | 打心眼裡
dǎ xīn yǎn li
  1. 1 from the bottom of one's heart
  2. 2 heartily
  3. 3 sincerely
看在眼里 | 看在眼裡
kàn zài yǎn li
  1. 1 to observe
  2. 2 to take it all in
吃着碗里,看着锅里 | 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡
chī zhe wǎn lǐ , kàn zhe guō lǐ
  1. 1 lit. eyeing what's in the pot as one eats from one's bowl (idiom)
  2. 2 not content with what one already has
  3. 3 (of men, typically) to have the wandering eye
背地里 | 背地裡
bèi dì li
  1. 1 behind sb's back
放在眼里 | 放在眼裡
fàng zài yǎn lǐ
  1. 1 to pay attention to
  2. 2 to care about
  3. 3 to attach importance to
由表及里 | 由表及裡
yóu biǎo jí lǐ
  1. 1 to proceed from the outside to the inside
  2. 2 to see the essence merely by looking at the superficial appearance
蓦地里 | 驀地裡
mò dì lǐ
  1. 1 suddenly
  2. 2 unexpectedly
往心里去 | 往心裡去
wǎng xīn li qù
  1. 1 to take sth to heart
  2. 2 to take sth seriously
心里有鬼 | 心裡有鬼
xīn li yǒu guǐ
  1. 1 to have secret motives
  2. 2 to have a guilty conscience
表里不一 | 表裡不一
biǎo lǐ bù yī
  1. 1 outside appearance and inner reality differ (idiom); not what it seems
  2. 2 saying one thing but meaning sth different
百里挑一 | 百裡挑一
bǎi lǐ tiāo yī
  1. 1 one in a hundred
  2. 2 cream of the crop