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独来独往 | 獨來獨往
dú lái dú wǎng
  1. 1 coming and going alone (idiom); a lone operator
  2. 2 keeping to oneself
  3. 3 unsociable
  4. 4 maverick
独断独行 | 獨斷獨行
dú duàn dú xíng
  1. 1 to decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action
  2. 2 a law unto oneself
独独 | 獨獨
dú dú
  1. 1 alone
独生子 | 獨生子
dú shēng zǐ
  1. 1 only son
独裁者 | 獨裁者
dú cái zhě
  1. 1 dictator
  2. 2 autocrat
独立宣言 | 獨立宣言
dú lì xuān yán
  1. 1 Declaration of Independence
独行其是 | 獨行其是
dú xíng qí shì
  1. 1 to go one's own way (idiom); to act independently without asking others
一枝独秀 | 一枝獨秀
yī zhī dú xiù
  1. 1 lit. only one branch of the tree is thriving (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to be in a league of one's own
  3. 3 outstanding
失独家庭 | 失獨家庭
shī dú jiā tíng
  1. 1 a family bereaved of its only child
非独立 | 非獨立
fēi dú lì
  1. 1 dependent
独木舟 | 獨木舟
dú mù zhōu
  1. 1 dugout
  2. 2 canoe
  3. 3 kayak
独山子 | 獨山子
Dú shān zǐ
  1. 1 Dushanzi district (Uighur: Maytagh Rayoni) of Qaramay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市[Kè lā mǎ yī shì], Xinjiang
独立自主 | 獨立自主
dú lì zì zhǔ
  1. 1 independent and autonomous (idiom); self-determination
  2. 2 to act independently
  3. 3 to maintain control over one's own affairs
独角鲸 | 獨角鯨
dú jiǎo jīng
  1. 1 narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
独眼龙 | 獨眼龍
dú yǎn lóng
  1. 1 one-eyed person
独角兽 | 獨角獸
dú jiǎo shòu
  1. 1 unicorn
孤独症 | 孤獨症
gū dú zhèng
  1. 1 autism
独人秀 | 獨人秀
dú rén xiù
  1. 1 one-man show
独二代 | 獨二代
dú èr dài
  1. 1 second generation only child