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言者无罪,闻者足戒 | 言者無罪,聞者足戒
yán zhě wú zuì , wén zhě zú jiè
  1. 1 don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning (idiom); an exhortation to speak one's mind without fear of reprisals, and with the expectation of being taken seriously
言者无意,听者有心 | 言者無意,聽者有心
yán zhě wú yì , tīng zhě yǒu xīn
  1. 1 to take a casual remark to heart (idiom)
窃国者侯,窃钩者诛 | 竊國者侯,竊鉤者誅
qiè guó zhě hóu , qiè gōu zhě zhū
  1. 1 steal the whole country and they make you a prince, steal a hook and they hang you (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
道所存者,乃师所存者 | 道所存者,乃師所存者
dào suǒ cún zhě , nǎi shī suǒ cún zhě
  1. 1 If sb has grasped the truth before you, take him as your teacher (Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈).
  2. 2 We should learn from one who knows the way.
胜者王侯败者寇 | 勝者王侯敗者寇
shèng zhě wáng hóu bài zhě kòu
  1. 1 the winners become princes and marquises; the losers are vilified as bandits (idiom)
  2. 2 history is written by the victors
zhī rén zhě zhì , zì zhī zhě míng
  1. 1 those who understand others are clever, but those who know themselves are truly wise (idiom, from Laozi's 道德經|道德经[Dào dé jīng]
jìn zhū zhě chì , jìn mò zhě hēi
  1. 1 those who handle cinnabar are stained red; those who work with ink are stained black (idiom)
  2. 2 you are the product of your environment
顺我者昌逆我者亡 | 順我者昌逆我者亡
shùn wǒ zhě chāng nì wǒ zhě wáng
  1. 1 submit to me and prosper, or oppose me and perish
成者为王,败者为寇 | 成者為王,敗者為寇
chéng zhě wéi wáng , bài zhě wéi kòu
  1. 1 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇[chéng zé wéi wáng
  2. 2 bài zé wéi kòu]
记者会 | 記者會
jì zhě huì
  1. 1 press conference
新闻记者 | 新聞記者
xīn wén jì zhě
  1. 1 journalist
气象学者 | 氣象學者
qì xiàng xué zhě
  1. 1 a meteorologist
经营者 | 經營者
jīng yíng zhě
  1. 1 executive
  2. 2 manager
  3. 3 transactor
组织者 | 組織者
zǔ zhī zhě
  1. 1 organizer
创办者 | 創辦者
chuàng bàn zhě
  1. 1 founder
  2. 2 creator
  3. 3 author
骑马者 | 騎馬者
qí mǎ zhě
  1. 1 horseman
  2. 2 rider
  3. 3 mounted soldier
倾听者 | 傾聽者
qīng tīng zhě
  1. 1 listener
设计者 | 設計者
shè jì zhě
  1. 1 designer
  2. 2 architect (of a project)