Hey iPod users! Quick question for you!

January 28, 2008, 03:29 AM posted in General Discussion

Hey, gang! I'm just curious... of those of us who have iPods and who use them to listen to ChinesePod, how many of you are using an iPod with video capabilities? I know you can't even buy an iPod without it now, but I wonder how many folks are still using an older generation model.

Chime in, please! Thanks!

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January 28, 2008, 03:51 AM

my ipod has video.

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January 28, 2008, 10:54 PM

Uggggh! Let me try that again...you can't see it because it's reading it as html. Type the following in the text file (as described in Step 2), but replace "%" with "<" and replace "&" with ">"

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January 28, 2008, 04:11 AM

Ohhh, good stat, sparechange! The first iPod with video is already almost three years old? Cool!

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January 28, 2008, 06:09 AM

Yep, ditched the iPhone and I'm using a couple "old school" versions, one of which has the non-video B&W display.

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January 28, 2008, 06:18 AM

That's interesting, ladave! I would think by sheer virtue of the weight alone, you'd prefer to have one of the newer models. Not to mention better capacity... which can only lead to having more ChinesePod on hand. ;)

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January 28, 2008, 07:29 AM

Hi, Frank I'm on my 3rd iPod (long story...) Anyway, it's an "iPod Classic" with 80G and video. Can't live without it.

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January 28, 2008, 08:09 AM

I have a semi-old school 60 GB Ipod, with video capability. I wish at some point Chinesepod would introduce the idea of Video lessons. Actually Japanesepod101 has a series of self-produced Video-Podcasts which are essentially like a television series, which I found very intriguing indeed! BTW: LADave...what made you ditch the I-phone? Was it lack of memory? My Chinesepod lesson archive already exceeds 20 GB what with all the extras like "The Fix" and the Dialogue, even on the 16 GB Ipod it's just too short on memory.

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January 28, 2008, 09:12 AM

I hate ipod, can't live without live radio especially when the CPod DJs get a bit tiring. I use Sandisk Sansa 8gb for this reason.

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January 28, 2008, 09:21 AM

I have a 1st gen ipod Nano. The screen broke (quite how a screen can break in a suit jacket pocket getting off the Eurostar I don't know). So no video and no menus. I'm forced to guess how to find CPod or just use my laptop. Suggestions for an iPod replacement please: new nano, touch or wait for 3G iPhone?

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January 28, 2008, 10:28 AM

The video ones are great, I have the whole of Lost season 3 on mine. Don't worry, I bought through it iTunes. ;)

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January 28, 2008, 04:00 AM

1st-gen iPod video, circa November, 2005.

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January 28, 2008, 02:48 PM

I use an old school, 20 gb, ipod. With all the CPod lessons, I'm closing in on max. capacity...need to upgrade soon.

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January 28, 2008, 04:14 PM

5th Generation 30gb iPod, I believe - tho I'm not too great at "techie" stuff. I do know it has video tho. Xiaohu - About the videos, check out youtube.com. Search for "Chinesepod" and you should get several videos put out by them. Also search "VideoHotPot." Some great stuff! Not sure how to get it on iPod tho...

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January 28, 2008, 05:26 PM

Just bought an 80G with video capability.

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January 28, 2008, 07:53 PM

I have video on mine, but I only listen to audio. If I could put my vocabulary list on there I would like it, but I have never been able to figure it out. It would be nice to flash card test myself when I have the time, or see the written dialog, and extensions. I need a techie guru.

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January 28, 2008, 10:08 PM

i have an 80gb Ipod Classic which has video capability. i am also curious like perle, on how to get written dialogue onto my ipod. ive looked in the notes section and the instructions sounded easy but i tried to do it and it didnt work... can anyone help?

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January 28, 2008, 10:22 PM

@brooke Just came across this today: http://tooble.tv/ I haven't tested it as I don't have a video ipod. I've heard it is quite reliable. I'm sure there is similar software out for windows, but I can't remember any names off the top of my head.

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January 28, 2008, 10:40 PM

perle and jazzieboy, here's how I transfer PDF dialogs to my iPod: Creating a Text File to Transfer to Your iPod 1. Open a new TextEdit document (Mac) or Notepad document (PC). 2. Copy and paste the following at the top of the document (this will ensure that your iPod will read hanzi): 3. Open the Lesson PDF in a new internet browser window. At the end of the URL, replace "pdf" with "html". 4. Select all of the text, copy and paste it into your TextEdit or Notepad document. 5. Save the file as (whatever the lesson name is). When you save it, make sure that the "Text Encoding" is set to Unicode (UTF-8). Save these into a folder dedicated to CPod lessons (I suggest putting the folder on your desktop for easy copying to your iPod). Transfering Text Files to Your iPod 1. Connect your iPod to your computer. 2. Open the iPod icon on your desktop. 3. Open the "Notes" folder from within the iPod. 4. Open the lesson folder you created (from step 5 above), drag all the files to the "Notes" folder on the iPod. 5. Done! This may seem complicated, but after you do it a couple of times, it's really quick and easy. It's great, you can listen to a lesson and view the dialog at the same time...all on the iPod. Get to the dialog files on your iPod by going to "Extras"..."Notes".... This is how I do it on a Mac, using TextEdit. I have never done this on a PC, but I believe the process is the same using Notepad. Hope this is helpful, Brent

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January 28, 2008, 10:43 PM

This should be what you copy at the top of the text file (Step 2). Do not include the asterics. **

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January 28, 2008, 11:07 AM

Im not sure what your after Frank but mine has video.